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Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 05:36:38pm
In reply to: Nancy Streb 's message, "Re: Valentine's day" on Tuesday, February 21, 05:38:19pm

Nancy, I am also VERY curious as to what Joe will share with those on the cruise!! I love it when he works, & then I get to see his work!

Yes, the tune is Frerra, Jacque. In English, the words are, "Are you sleeping,.... brother John?... Mourning bells are ringing..." Very foreboding song to teach to children in school, which is where I learned it. Foretelling, in this movie!

Sheriff Jones & his pet killed off everyone who knew anything of their dastardly deeds, so no one would have been hunting for them. "I don't like loose ends.", he said. I don't know HOW one would transport a 20 foot croc, either. SURELY it couldn't swim & walk all that distance! This is just funny! Jones was from Atlanta, then moved to N.Y., then back to Atlanta, & finally, to this town. The croc was smaller when he found it, so transporting it would have been easy, then. As it grew, I can see a travel problem, YES!!

What a fun film. I also wonder if they meant it to be a bit silly, or if they were trying to make a serious horror film. Maybe someone will ask Joe, & then share his answer, though Joe's quite the jokester, he may not give a straight answer.

I enjoy our chats, Nancy! Have a great week.

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