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Subject: Jane, Katie Flyyn and Joe won an award for Jane's audiobook

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 04:13:34am

"Congratulations to Jane Seymour, Joe Lando, and Katie Flynn on their Voice Arts Award win for THE ROAD AHEAD by Jane Seymour, for best narration in faith-based or metaphysical category"
I bought this audiobook via Amazon's audio platform, and I must say that Joe really has a knack for storytelling. His voice is so melodious, sweet and so rich, to convey feelings. Great job.
Have you listened to this audiobook, or bought the CD?

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[> Subject: Re: Jane, Katie Flyyn and Joe won an award for Jane's audiobook

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Thursday, November 22, 07:15:55pm

Hi Isabelle,

I bought the cd at Amazon last nite. I have prime so it will arrive here some time tomorrow. Thank you for posting about this. I congratulate Jane, Joe and Katie for the award.

Would you know if Joe is still on recurring status on B & B?

Love and hugs,
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jane, Katie Flyyn and Joe won an award for Jane's audiobook

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Friday, November 23, 05:12:38pm

Hi, y'all. I bought both Jane's book & the CDs. I'm in absolute agreement with your observations about Joe's voice, Isabelle! It's soothing & comforting. The award is well-deserved, indeed. The book, a paperback, has B&W chapter pages of Jane's artwork. I've had them since they were available on Amazon, over a month now. Lost several relatives to Cancer, to Alzheimer's, & heart problems, & the passages are very uplifting & healing. They've done a beautiful job with this!

The CDs are great, helps to read along on some of the ones I couldn't grasp as well. I have dyslexia, & mine affects my comprehension, & number sense. In school, I'd often check out the recording of Shakespeare, for example, to take home & listen to as I read. I did well on my tests, & I grew to love Shakespeare.

Jane has given so much of her talents to help folks. Her Open Hearts Foundation is growing, expanding. She, Katie & Joe, along with others like Mrs. Glen Campbell, did a beautiful job on this project, & it will surely touch all who experience it.

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[> Subject: Re: Jane, Katie Flyyn and Joe won an award for Jane's audiobook

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 05, 06:52:13pm

Hi Holly and Isabelle,

I just finished listening to the audio book and it was very interesting. Joe sounded really good. The stories were sad but the people were able to overcome their difficulties. Amazing stories!

Take care,
Nancy in Indiana

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