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Date Posted: 21:07:51 02/24/01 Sat
Author: Diello
Subject: Dear Upset

While most things have been said, I still feel the need to input my 2c.

Kristian did nothing wrong. If you post your e-mail anywhere on the Internet concerning your love for a show, then don't be surprised if someone e-mails you giving you the opportunity to be involved in a club.

As others have pointed out, you have no idea what spam means. You're just a worthless piece of shit that's trying to look important. It is obvious that you don't know the you're talking about. What power do you have to defame "Absent Friends"? The power to post messages in guest books and message boards? Ooh, start freaking Kristian, you're obviously in for a lengthy legal battle. Notice that it's just you who are complaining and more then a few arguing against you. And you expect to be taken seriously.

Honestly, this is just laughable. I'm willing to wager that you're so gutless that you won't try to defend yourself. But if you do keep on posting the same message, then I have no problem with getting your Internet connection terminated. And it is much easier than you would think.

I've broken a major Internet in replying to your message but since you personally attacked a friend I can overlook that. You've become what you profess hate. A Troll, which is just as bad as a Spammer.

Oh well, more laughs for us. Hey Kristian, did you get the e-mail address from a website created by "Upset Person"? If so I'd like to see it.

Jen Hind
Who, on other matters, got the 25th Aniversary video yesterday. :)

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