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Date Posted: 20:06:33 03/02/03 Sun
Author: Lucas Cabral
Subject: -.Steel of Self Destruction.-
In reply to: Desserae 's message, "...Price..." on 10:13:27 03/01/03 Sat

-.Nodding his gorgeous manly head at Desserae's reply, he looks down upon the hand of Sasha, quirking a brow at how close she was to his masculine parts, he finally nodded as if he reached a decision and turned his head to Desserae first.-

"I'm sorry...you understand Sasha's way of convincing me...and I'm sure you think I'm a total asshole for wanting her just because of the way she acts...but what can I say? I'm a guy...I'm not trying to give the male gender a bad name by saying this...but if you really think about it..what did you expect. I hope you don't lose respect for me or anything...and I hope to see you around some time...you have some really good mental qualities for a girl as well as physical."

-.After his talk with Desserae, he focused on Sasha next, smiling as he did, but not a sexy smile...a truly sincere one.-

"And as for you Sasha...I won't you to understand that if I live with you our relationship has to be strictly professional...until we get to know each other and something develops...understand?"

-.His hues were was teasing as his smile...but his body language as he picked up her hand and put it in her own lap were serious and firm, he waved to Desserae and winked at her as he got up, brushing off his jeans and holding out a hand to help Sasha up as well.-

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