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Date Posted: 19:08:51 11/29/02 Fri

*~*~All American Miss~*~*

Pondering over whether or not to attend the Pageant?

Let us help you to decide!

Join us, December 14, 2002, for the Christmas Stars Mini-National Pageant in Atlanta, Georgia. This is an open pageant. Everyone is invited. Here is a sneak peak at a few of the prizes.......

We will be awarding $bonds$, fur trimmed robes, and beautiful 10" crowns to the 0-4 and 5-up Grand Supremes. 0-4 and 5-up Overall Christmas Stars will receive gorgeous crowns and queen bears. Beautiful crowns are waiting for the age division winners. A princess in each age division will receive a tiara and gift. Kings will receive nice king crowns. There are so many chances to win! *All* winners will receive a crown, sparkling trophies, barbies, banners, and a 5ft bag of quality toys! Don't believe us?! Try us! Some of the toys include, Dora the Explorer, plush bears, a bike, beanies, jumbo bears, books, activity sets, games, baby dolls, books, tote bags, garment bags, my size dolls, barbies, barbie accessories, barbie bags, rhinestone earrings and necklaces, hair accessories, rhinestone belts, teen bags, disney items, and more! Gifts are age appropriate. Every contestant gets a toy, card, and goodie treasure bag! Winners will receive multiple, quality, gifts and toys as if it were Christmas Day! Don't be the one to miss this exciting pageant. E-mail us at AllAmericanMissGeorgia@yahoo.com to request paperwork or visit our site by clicking on the banner! Don't forget to sign the guestbook. There will be a guestbook drawing December 10, 2002. We hope to see you soon! Visit our message board at www.voy.com/112563/ to view toy bags. Don't forget, we offer divisions for babies through adults. Our Venus division is for women that are married or single. Ladies, this is your chance to have fun!

*Tanning will be provided by: royaltans@aol.com

*Hair and makeup will be provided by Stephanie Bradford, Sabbrad1739@aol.com.

*Hair and makeup will also be provided by Melonee White, mwsuzyq@bellsouth.net.

Be sure to contact these wonderful ladies to reserve your spot for tanning or hair and makeup.

Happy Holidays!

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