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Date Posted: 18:18:47 03/16/02 Sat
Author: PRDATR
Subject: Re: Bobby's Pimpin' M3
In reply to: Curt 's message, "Bobby's Pimpin' M3" on 19:59:33 03/15/02 Fri

Hey, sorry Bob-bers. Perhaps Curt is correct, the bimmer crowd is much younger than the typical 928 crowd which is seemingly more akin to perfection refinements in taste and the discerning palate. Not that the the under 20 GenX'r is incapable of it but rather most don't want to be seen in daddy's car becuase its less hip, and depending on who looking at it the 928 can easily be classifed as "my dads ride"- totally uncool. Bimmers are hip for the younger set especially since they are dirt cheap to get into. But in my personal experience rarely have i ever witnessed the trends of the the under 25 ultra hip, become classics, i.e azz-rocket-direaha sounding coffecan exhausts. I am not making disparaging remarks about the taste of the younger generations tates, in fact, what I mean to say is- " I Understand", I really do.

IMHO, the 928 is and will always be a classic GT car. However, it can still be driven by young hip 20 somethings like yourself or the 80 something "old stale, dry as a popcorn fart" guys like Heinrich. The 3 series Bimmer- hmmmm not likely especially since there are a ton of them out there. Its simply not even in the same class as a 635CSi or ultra marvelous BMW L7 or, and M1.


>Well, I got a good chuckle when Pat described for
>Bobby the 20 yo driver with teenie gf in the coffee
>can M3. Then I thought, "Hey, how old is Bobarino?
>20? 21? Maybe that's his gig and Pat's description is
>just hastening Bobby GT's departure for bimmerville!?"
>Hey, has anyone tried those tires with the inlaid
>color? Can I get a pair for my GT? Wouldn't that be
>the shiz-snot?
> http://www.tirerack.com/tires/bfg/bfg_scorcher.jsp
>I want 'em! See you on the flip-flop.
>'91 GT - slate grey w/yellow accents?

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