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Date Posted: 03/24/04 12:27pm
Author: To you with Love
Subject: A message for ALL; a night of charm awaits you [EVERYONE]

To you with Love, the Mythical White Queen of the Lights, stood facing the territory before her. She did not care whom or what they were, what side they fought for, she had news to bring to all of them. Her strong, sapphire gaze caught hold of the territories leaders and gracefully she bowed, her white angelic wings spread beside her as a white gown. A radiant smile graced her features, her white bodice gleaming in the moonlight. She looked around at the surrounding area, taking it all in, the sweet scent of the air, the feel of the grassy blades under her diamond hooves. With a quick close of her eyes, she breathed in a taste of the air around her and began.

”Everyone! Come here! Gather, for I have news to bring to you.”

Her voice reverberated off the trees and clouds of the sky. She called everyone, and her voice would be heard. The voice she spoke with was sweet, tracing patterns of beauty and majesty around the grasslands. Branches reached towards her to grab ahold of her power. A white aura pulsated around her as she continued speaking.

”A ball, a masquerade, will be held in the Light Mythical Area. We welcome any and all as long as they have a mask with them. How long this will go on depends on you all! Please, come to the Glory’s Masquerade and dance to your hearts content!”

With another smile, she disappeared. Fading back into the serene light of the sun which poured down upon her.

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