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Date Posted: 05/ 3/04 7:05pm
Author: Notorious Reputation & Genesis
Subject: .[.Infamous.]. .:Only the beginning:.

A glimmering flash of gold followed closely by a creamy white blur was all that could initially be seen of the duo as they emerged on the sandy beach. The palomino's paper-thin nares flared and a look close to rapture crossed her Arabic features. She was home at last. A resounding bugle issued forth from between dusky labrums, calling to those she had left behind. To Euphoria and Mystical Dream, and Rogue, whoever happened to be around. Had she been missed? Had any even noticed her disappearance? Ah well, time would tell.

.:Liquid chocolate eyes peered out from beneath a fringe of mahogany locks. The moon-washed yearling had never been here before, even though her mother had called this beach home for many, many years. Her birth and the subsequent days had been spent languishing in Dark Evergreens, held captive along with her golden mother. Soulful orbs kept careful watch as her mother announced her arrival. Who was she expecting to arrive? No telling, but Gen would greet whoever came their way. After all, this was her true home, right?:.

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