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Date Posted: 06/ 9/04 7:51am
Author: [Shazaam]
Subject: [Keeper of the stars, your my spellbinding vice]


Brilliant macabre; turbid shafts of perpetual murk blistered the coveted forest and her evenfall splendors. Silence reaped the vicinity of life and light demur to the reverberating thuds that were constantly recited. His silhouette was grisly and magnificent, cloaked in malefic luster as he maneuvered with resplendent brilliance through the timber. Carnal apparitions of skeletal timber loomed over his svelte contour as he stopped on the shore outskirts. His thickly sinewed cervix would arcuate and it would be perfect; for he was the radical perfection of visual aspect though his inner persona was turmoil, calamity and everything disgusting to even the mankiest of beasts. Treachery and ignominy crusaded an epic and unremitting battle which was gradually drawing him to his demise, slowly bringing him to a thicker darkness than evil itself, for death overtakes all. His contour was carved with toned sinew that gyrated with anticipation and dread; his stare was unwavering and perpetual, and it seared the beach, upholding until it snared the figures of his distress.


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