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Date Posted: 06/12/04 10:29pm
Author: Devlyn
Subject: - While I Breath, I Hope -
In reply to: Mystical Dream 's message, ".just a dream." on 06/12/04 9:38pm

The brute suppressed a smile, twitching the corners of her lips down so that he expression remained serious.

"I suppose I have been thoroughly chasitised for my behaviour. I shan't do it again... until I the next time the urge to pick on you just becomes too much to bear and overwhelms my entire being. But for now... I think a rest is in order."

It was only then that mascu smiled warmly at the maiden beside him, his sapphire gaze bright with contentment. It was nice to have someone to share the moments of life when he could shed being an somber adult and just revert to being a colt again. Companionship. That's what he had missed most of all. He tilted his head, looking at the tawny dove fondly. Finally, he shook his head, his painted tresses becoming more ruffled than they had been from all the running and the breeze coming off the ocean.

"Would you happen to know of any streams or ponds around here. I don't know about you, m'lady, but I'm parched, and while tempting to guzzle the salt water from the ocean, I don't think it'd taste quite as good."

Stupid, but he was thirsty, and he wasn't quite ready to be alone once more. So, he looked at her, occuli gazing softly at her while he waited.

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