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Date Posted: 06/13/04 7:11am
Author: Euphoria
Subject: ~*Approach*~
In reply to: L'ange de Ciel 's message, "¤† Angel of Heaven †¤" on 06/12/04 7:05pm

~*Or perhaps,*~ a new voice interjected. ~*The leads hesitate to interrupt the conversations of others*~ The approaching chestnut inclined her head politely, lips adorned with a tight smile. A blaze wound down her pleasant features before meandering into a pink snip on her dusky muzzle. Flaxen tresses lay in a becoming disarray on the arched neck as her aigrette swept gently against muscled flanks. ~*I'm Euphoria and apparently, I'm in demand here?*~ Warm almond orbs met the gaze of the two equines, an unwavering stare free of malice or displeasure. ~*Now that I'm here, what can I do for you?*~ Indeed, these had been trying times for the chestnut--her mate had departed, her best friend had only recently returned to the shores, and her daughter had been crowned Queen of the Light Horses. Yes, she'd been very busy and as nice at it would be to tear herself in two, it just wasn't possible.

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