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Subject: Dalnet Log #Astroseries

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Date Posted: 20:00:31 09/04/10 Sat

2009 Dalnet Chat Log #Astroseries

Int: Hello Al.
SomeNick: Hello Jake.
Int: Lets begin the interview.
SomeNick: Sure.
Int: Where did the idea for Astroseries Millenia
videogame come from?
SomeNick: I have been a science fiction fan for many
years. Mostly of the "space" type. I have always
liked Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, Stargate Sg-1
and so on. I, in part, drew inspiration from these
for Astroseries.
Int: I see. So does that mean you take inspiration
from elsewhere too?
SomeNick: I mix in some fantasy ingredient every now
and then.
Int: What about future Astroseries games?
SomeNick: They are in the works. There are plans to
release Astroseries games in an episodic fashion,
rather than an extremely long single game.
Int: What will it be about? Will it continue the
adventures of Astervan, Calistea and Hexavius?
SomeNick: The new series will be post-Astroseries
Millenia, but it will be seen by a different group of
protagonists. Maybe will have a cameo from Astervan
and co., but the new series is not about them.
Int: I see. Any special improvements?
SomeNick: The artificial intelligence will be a lot
more challenging. Players will get special codes to
unlock special items (even from across episodes!).
Controls will be improved, and so will be the
graphics. Stay tuned for late 2010-early 2011.
Int: Thank you very much for the interview!
SomeNick: You welcome.

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