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Date Posted: 17:27:25 04/01/02 Mon
Author: ..Mohawk..
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Subject: ..bite me..

..Can you read mah lips? Bite me bitch!..

.Sleek frame of rowdy male jumped 'bout the lingered shadows. Ebon peltage twas tarnished with mud, powerhouse pistons caked until knees with the slosh. Pearls tainted with plaque clicked together and bared as snap twas made into the nothingness that surrounded him so. Intelligent ocullis, of deep chocolate, gazed about placidly. Hides planted to the Earth, as boa swung slightly. Dial tis tipped slightly, as pallet lapped at his chest to clean it. Interest lost, male 'rose from sit, pistons churning into a forward motion. Patiently he awaited. For something. Anything.


..Feral canine..

..O' the savage..

..What tis age but merely numbers?..

..Ebon with splash of tarnish brown..

..Come and find out, dearie..

E-mail~ Happy_Goth666@hotmail.com

Hey hey guys, its Kelly. Miss me? ;)

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