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Date Posted: 08:59:23 04/09/02 Tue
Author: Lead
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Subject: .:::Acid Tongue, Venom Word:::.
In reply to: Truthful Lies 's message, "..:: The Truth ::.." on 18:49:24 04/07/02 Sun

.:::The resting mammoth rolled over ‘pon his side. White dust shown on his dark charcoal underside. Lids were still shut tightly yet he had not drifted into a slumber. As massive masculine waited for something, anything, a scent drifted into his waiting olphactors. What a familiar scent it was, nares twitch as mind tries to place it. Ears pricked as an almost silent sound of crunching in the shadows entered them, something was there and had just sat down. A low growl emits from tense vocals, what was there, hidden in the darkness? Well toned body rises up ‘pon strong lanky limbs. A quick shake of brujo’s pelt sends all shards of ice and snow off, returning it back to its true color. Brute took a few steps forward, toward the sound. An overwhelming wave of the familiar scent hit him once again. Frame stopped cold in his tracks. Could it be? Or was his mind just playing tricks like it had before. But it smelt so much like her, how could it not be her? Unsure of himself beast took a small step back. Sick green orbs stared into the darkness, how he wished he could see into it. After a few moments of internal struggle leaden maw slowly goes into the air. A soft howl resonates out of his deadly jaws. The sound raises and falls in the wind, it was beckoning whom ever was there to come. If it was truly who he thought it was she would come. Slowly he turns as regal scull lowers, orbs are still fixed on the shadows. If it was her maybe she would follow him, for he was now an Alpha with his own land, yet it was empty:::.

OOC: go to the Laseia River Pack

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