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Date Posted: 15:46:29 03/31/02 Sun
Author: Adriel Archanii
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Subject: .Entrada.

Ebon vixen tediously tred upon terrain, one of daemonic intentions. Ablaze jems investigate terrain for her love, Zakiy Shiva. Time had seemed to trail onwards in the absent between the duo, bringing such dispair into ashen heart. Dear god, Zakiy. Where art thou? My ashen souls yearns fer thee.. Physique of vixen was of great strength, muscle protruding slightly beneath ebon coat. Hackles upon neck risen slightly, for defence of BloodRayen who followed slowly behind. Regal vixen sat pon' haunches, stiffended stature proceeded. Once swarthy pelt had retained it sheen of health, of good fortune. Vix' was still of great youth and soul still refreshed. Vixen besat solemnly, awaitng first sign of Zakiy. Brittle jewels alluring, observing reactions of BloodRayen and Kirov. Much pride she had developed for the brood. Inner emotions were of concern, not only for Zakiy, yet other pups of litter..Zhen Rayle, Rhakshaw, and Kaisouno Tsuki. Remembrance of each pup came into play in mind. Rhakshaw, the he-pup that was most dependant.. it was good in most cases, yet sour in some.. yet who knew how he was now. Zhen Rayle, of beauty and great intellgence, look-alike to Zakiy. And then Kasisouno Tsuki, hyperactive of sorts.

Youth brute followed beside dame, crown rising slightly above her shoulder, yet growth spurts would come and go rapidly. Curious orbs peered at terrain, the snow-capped mountain backdrop. Silver chisled daggers pon' large fore-paws gleam in the dim sunlight. Light hued youth-brute looked around his new homelands, wondering where siblings were and sire.

You have brought nothing to this world.. and I will make sure you bring nothing out of it.

She followed behind dame, quite larger than last seen by anyone. BloodRayen had retreated with her mother from the kingdom lands, leaving the lands she was birthed in. Adolescent was of venomous attitudes and of silver tounge which was best kept silent. Youth vix' began to trail off on her own, observing the lands more indepth then brother or mother, not exactly caring at the moment where other siblings nor sire was. Prey here was plentiful, and in a variety of sorts. Youth vix's emerald globes peer up at the Mountain Goat upon the rocky cliffs beyond.

My conviction is like an arrow already in flight, your life will only last until it reaches you.

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