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Date Posted:08:16:12 06/29/06 Thu In reply to:
's message, "Re: dont be afraid!" on 21:15:36 06/28/06 Wed
*Essence and Delusion both glanced a silent greeting to the new wolf. They were both anxious to talk to Kosses about what had happened in her life in the past years. A small squeak found the ears of the twins and they immediatly perked up. They knew why she had been so worried now. Especially Delusion appeared to be a threat. His dark coat and cold, black eyes made him something that appeared in nightmares. His size did not help any-tall and muscular, even for a fully grown male wolf. He perfectly fit the description of "brute." Essence instantly picked up on the worry in the mother's eyes.*
We are not going to hurt them... or either of you.
*He tried to reassure her.*
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