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Subject: New Beginings, Old Pain

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Date Posted: 10:24:05 12/10/06 Sun

Teiwaz sat out on the balcony, his front paws resting on the railing as he sat, barely moving except a soft swaying with the wind. His pools were closed but his nares flared inhailing deeply and slowly and exhailing the same way. His body was pointed towards the oncoming breeze and he seemed so at peace.
Above the valley and within seeing distance was the young hawk that frequently followed Teiwaz around. Her wings barely moved as she soared, just floating through the chilled air. The scent of snow was strong on the air, it was winter and the woods would soon be blanketd in a calming white.

Gaia lay curled up on the bed, her features covered by her thick tail. She was so peaceful when she slept, barely moving sxcept the steady undisturbed breaths of deep slumber

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Re: New Beginings, Old PainMiracle/Striker14:16:23 12/12/06 Tue

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