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Date Posted: 13:21:38 03/20/02 Wed
Author: Hulk Hogan
Subject: I'm back

Hulks (old) music plays, lights start flashing, fans start going wild, and the legendary "Hulk Hogan" walks down the ramp and picks up the mic.
It feels great to be back from the long retirement time, atleast I thought I would be out forever but I decided to come back for alot of really good reasons, to many for me to say (not enough time) but a couple is because of the fame, because of the fun and memory's I've had, and most importantly,... the fans!!! Now I have a little explaining to do. For one, you thought I would be coming back "with" the rest of the NWO but thery're just a bunch of no good son of a b****es! another thing is I will not be dis-respected by anyone, that means not by any wrestlers, any of the fans, by no one. And you all have a nice day!...
Hulks (old) music plays and he gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp waving to everyone and gets caught by surpise by Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold runs up to him gives Hulk a Stone Cold Stunner and starts punching him in the face *Hulk pulls out the brass knuckles out of his pants pocket and punches Stone Cold with all the power he has in him* and Stone Cold goes flying off the ramp and Hulk runs over and starts kicking him.
Hulks music plays and walks away up the ramp with Stone Cold gasping for air.

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