Date Posted:23:31:59 03/20/02 Wed Author: Stone Cold Subject: I'm Here!!!!!!
Stone Cold walks to the ring as his picture hits the titantron.
He walks to the ring as his music hits the speakers.
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He climbs into ring as he is handed a mic. and two beers and then begins to talk.
Stone Cold: I'm here to tell all you losers that I'm the best there is or ever will be. Get in my way and I will give you the most personal butt kickin you've ever had. I will even whoop Hurricane if he gets in my way. I respect no one and I don't expect respect from any one else. I'm here to personally speak to Hogan. Hogan you little trash talkin Stone Cold wannabe. You have made a big mistake by coming into this federation, Listen and Listen very closely, you just so much as get in my way and I will make you feel the venom of this snake, I'm not going to out up with any of your crap Hogan.
Stone Cold throws down the mic. and climbs as turn buckle with a beer in each hand and then smashes them together and drinks them. He jumps down and climbs through the ropes and then makes his exit.