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Date Posted: 08:06:28 04/27/02 Sat
Author: Battle-Scarred
Subject: Re: WTO and Foreign ownership of Bushibans
In reply to: Ruby 's message, "WTO and Foreign ownership of Bushibans" on 04:31:45 04/27/02 Sat

Without making it too technical, Taiwan, like China, got into the WTO on a bunch of promises that, some day, in principle, they would open their market.
For example, they reduced the Taiwanese ownership REQUIRED of every business (except those with special incentives like high-tech) from 75% to 51% and said they were "complying with the WTO".

Still, all businesses, including bushibans, must be owned by Taiwanese 51% and foreigners cannot be sole proprietors.

When you see a foreigner who "owns" a bushiban, ask to see his business licence. The picture on the licence will be of a Chinese person. Maybe it's his wife or maybe he bought the papers.

Kindergartens must be owned by licenced Taiwan teachers. That's the trick. Foreigners can in theory be licenced Taiwan teachers if they pass a very competitive examination ALL IN CHINESE. So in practice, no foreigners are licenced teachers in Taiwan. But if talking to WTO, Taiwan will say things like "a foreigner can become a licenced Taiwan teacher, there is no citizenship requirement, so our Kindergarten market is open". If the foreigner ever became a licenced teacher, he could still only stay year-by-year and only with a Taiwanese sponsor. The WTO are so stupid, they'll believe anything!

So, if a foreigner wants to go into the private education business in Taiwan, like everything else it must be illegal.

>Just a little curious as to where I can get the
>information re: ownership in businesses. Last year
>China Post carried an articel stating that foreigners
>could own and operate schools. BUT not kindies...???
>What does that exactly mean???
>Does the WTO mean anything??? Or is just the usual
>fluff. If anyone knows a good lawyer, could you
>provide me with a number or an office??

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