Subject: A Long Journey Ahead |
Author: Bergil
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Date Posted: 17:18:05 05/01/02 Wed
Bergil stood watching everyone bid each other farewell. Standing beside him was his gelding, Ildar. Bergil looked at Ildar and smiled, the look on his face was so confused. The poor horse was not exactly sure what on earth was happening. He was obviously curious of the strange little people that surrounded him. He snorted the first time he saw Pippin and he balked everytime a strange hobbit came walking round the corner. He seemed to be calming down though, his big brown eyes now just quietly surveying the situation. Bergil admired his deep bay coat. It was so bay, it was almost black. He had nice, healthy dappling across his hips and shoulder, and his legs were so dark it was hard to tell when his black points ended and faded into a deep red. He had a single white sock on his right hind leg, and a broken stripe running down his nose. Other than then he'd no white markings. He was a tall horse, easily 16 hands, and he had long, strong legs. Bergil scratched his forehead and Ildar sighed with content, He was very fond of Ildar. Ildar reached a long, crested, neck over towards the waggon where Ryna sat. He sniffed her hair and lipped it gently, testing if it was good to eat. Ryna giggled and stroked his nose, then she reached down into her pack and pulled out a carrot. Ildar's ears perked up and he nickered, now this was something he recognized! Ryna giggled again and fed him the carrot, Ildar muched on it happily. Ryna was now his new best friend.
Finally, when they were all done saying their goodbyes, the company set out on the road. The little pony pulling the waggon couldn't keep up with Ildar's long legs, so Bergil dismounted and lead Ildar beside the cart.
"Are you sure you'll be able to make it all the way on foot?" Pippin asked Bergil.
"I'll be fine, my friend, a long walk'd do me some good. I've been idle at home far to long," he replied.
And so they walked along, Bergil leading Ildar on foot and the hobbits in the cart. Bergil listended to the racket they all made. The cart creaking incesently, Ryna humming a childish tune and Ildars hooves pounding the dirt road. It was a good thing no one was following them, Bergil thought to himself. Bergil took in a deep breath of the afternoon air, they had a long journey ahead of them.
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