Subject: Family Matters |
Author: Legolas/Harion
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Date Posted: 20:07:41 07/08/03 Tue
After a few minutes of riding, Legolas drew his horse closer to Aryante and Harion. "How do you both fare?" he asked quietly. Harion smiled grimly
"You did warn us that your people would not be friendly" he commented. "But I have to admit that I found having an arrow pointed at my head a little uncomfortable" Aryante laughed, but it sounded cold and lacking real mirth.
"Most people find it uncomfortable, even if it is not for the first time," she replied calmly.
They rode in silence for a few moments. The tangible hostility of the elves seemed to swallow up all sound.
"Is it far?" Harion asked to try and break the silence.
"About a half days ride from here," Legolas replied. He hesitated. "I had not anticipated that they would react this strongly. I do not make exceptions for them, but believe me that not all my kin are like this." He swallowed, "I should have prepared you further."
"Then tell me now" Harion turned to face him, strands of blonde hair falling across his concerned eyes. "What should I expect when we meet your father, and the rest of your kin. What should I say? What should I do? How can I cause the least irritation?" He looked out into the deep green depths of the forest, wondering for a moment whether the monsters living in the shadows were more frightening than the people he would have to face soon.
"Just tell me what to do..."
"There is little you can do," Legolas informed him bluntly, but he relented at the boy's desparate expression. "Very well. You remember what I told you about my mother?" Harion nodded. "When they look upon you, most of my people will remember that. It is nothing against you yourself, but that will not matter. I cannot change their hearts; all I can counsel you to do is be yourself. Many will know if they are lied to, so you must prove that you are not like the traitors they remember. Always be honest, even if you risk causing offense. I believe that not all are still mistrustful. They may not like you but they will abuse my hospitality if they try to cause trouble.
My family...they are a different matter. My brother Celeblindir is my father's heir; he and I are both old enough to remember a time when Men were our friends. I do not think he will be unkind. My younger sister and brother however, you must be wary of. Lissarne takes after my mother, she is as fair as the moon itself. With just one look, my cousin tells me she can turn hearts to water, but her own is like ice. Do not let your eyes dwell on her for too long. Telumindel - he hates also but where hers is cold, his is fire. He is but young, and he will make trouble for you if he can. Whatever he says to you do not let it enrage you; it will be his aim. If he manages to find a reason to cry grievance against you, my father will not support you."
Harion nodded, he hadn't expected any better. At least now he knew something of Legolas' family, and who to avoid if at all possible. He gave a brief smile of thanks and returned to the silence of the journey. Not long now, just a few more hours ride...
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