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Date Posted: 18:36:41 04/05/14 Sat
Author: Knut Holt
Author Host/IP: 214-79-15.connect.netcom.no /
Subject: TONSILLECTOMIES on CHILDREN AND TEENS - During these other procedures are often done secretly too

Tonsillectonies on children and teens with added secret procedures

By Knut Holt

When a boy or girl have tonsillectomy, one often performs other procedures on the patient without the knowledge of the patient, and often without the knowledge of the parents. Most often these procedures are exams in the intimate zones or in the stomach region, and somtimes even additional surgeries in these regions are performed. Surprizingly often such ordeals are performed on boys, but also sometimes on girls.

Here you can read individual testamoinals from experiencers from such ordeals. The testamonials are obtained through polls at www.mrpoll.com.


Girl 5 - Tonsillectomy with urethral procedure

A girl at preschool age, 5 years old. The procedure happened in a hospital in south east Norway. The procedure occured in 2010 or later. She had Tonsillectomy

She had a rupture in her urethra, intense pain and it was nearly impossible to urinate.

The staff explained later that thay had misplaced a suppository, which is an impossble explanation.

They gave her gas through a mask, and gas through a tube down my throut.

This is from a story about the experience of a little girl in a hospital in south-east Norway. The story was told in a newspaper.

Boy 15 - Tonsillectomy plus secret apedicectomy and pelvic exam

I am male. As early teen 15. The procedure happened in North America. The procedure occured in 2010 or later. I had tonsillectomy or adenectomy. I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area. I had cystoscopy or other procedure through my urethra. I had an exam or procedure through my anus. They performed an exam or procedure, but was not given information about what they did. I was told that I was having a Tonsillectomy but they also did some extra exams on me.

Symptoms after the procedure:
I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. I had signs of needles having been stuck into my stomach or breast area.
Other signs that those listed. I had a lot of sore thoughts (throut?) and some on again off again belly pain.

I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. They put a mask on my face and injected me with something. The procedure happened in a hospital. They told me i had to get my tonsils out and they decided to remove my appendix as well. My parents drove me there- An intern said something in front of a doctor and a nurse about it. It was in a hospital when I was 15, my doctor had asked my parents to take me there. On the day of the surgery i was woken up and told i couldn't have anything to eat. Once I got to the hospital i was taken to a room where I had to change into a gown. About an hour later they gave me something to help me relax before taking me into the operating room.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The time till I regained consciousness was at least twice as long than I expected. My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs.

Strange persons appeared around me before and after the procedure than those I expected to perform the procedure. The school health service was more than usually interested in me around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure.

Editors comment:They performed an apenicectomy and probably a pelvic exam in addition to the tonsillectomy.
Knut Holt
Boy 16 yo - Tonsillectomy plus pelvic exam

I am male. As early teen, 16. The procedure happened in USA. The procedure occured in 2010 or later. I had I had a Tonsillectomy when I was 16.

Symptoms after the procedure:
I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my urethra. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. A tampon or other object being left in my anus.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The time tlll I wake up again was twice as long as expected. My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs. Strange persons appeared around me before and after the procedure than those I expected to perform the procedure. Pain in my mouth and throat along with my urethra as well as my underwear being messy.

I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. I was unconscious all the time. the mask smelled funny. The procedure happened in a hospital. My parents drove me. Some doctors and nurses talked strangely with my parents.

Editors comment:
It seems that they examined his pelvic area with equipment inserted through his urethra and anus in addition to the tonsillectomy, which could be optical scopes or ultrasound equipment. The minimal explanation is a catheter to collect urine and a supossitory for pain medication, but that minimal explanation does not explain all observations.

Knut Holt


ANSWAR 12 Boy 17 yo - Tonsillectomy plus pelvic exam

I am male. As teen, 17. The procedure happened in USA. The procedure occured in 2010 or later. I had tonsillectomy or adenectomy. I was told I was having my tonsils out.

Symptoms after the procedure:
I had pain, irritation or other problems in my nose. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. I had signs of needles having been stuck into my stomach or breast area. A tampon or other object being left in my anus.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The procedure or the time to you regained consciousness took at least twice as long time before you wake up than expected. Strange persons appeared around you before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure.

The school health service was more than usually interested in you around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure. Pain in my throat as well and stomach, and urethra. Plus my underwar seemed to be messed up, what was suposed to be a 45 min surgery turned out to be 2 hours.

I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. They gave me a mask to breathe through and injected something into my iv. The procedure occured in a hospital in a military establishment. My parents brought me there. I was 17 and it happened in a hospital. They told me something about a pice of equipment falling in my stomach and having to open it to find it.

Editors comment:
It seems that they examined his pelvic area and stomach area with equipment inserted through his urethra and anus in addition to the toncillectomy, which could be optical sopes or ultrasound equipment or a tubes inserted through his belly wall.
Knut Holt

ANSWAR 13 - Boy 15 yo - Tonsillectomy plus laparoascopic surgery in the stomach area

I am male. As early teen 15. The procedure happened in North America. The procedure occured in 2010 or later. They performed an exam or procedure, but was not given information about what they did. I was just told I had to go to sleep for an exam.

Symptoms after the procedure:
I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth.I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. I had signs of needles having been stuck into my stomach or breast area. A tampon or other object being left in my anus.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The procedure or the time to you regained consciousness took at least twice as long time before you wake up than expected. my parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs. Strange persons appeared around you before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure.

The school health service was more than usually interested in you around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams. The school nurse told my parents that I need this exam done.

Yeah the doctors said something about looking at my internal organs and that they had taken out part of my intestine and my appendix. I had a bunch of blood test and urine tests done. In a hospital when I was 15.

I was diagnosed as a diabetic a year after the surgery.

They gave me gas through a mask. I was unconscious all the time.They put a mask on me and stropped it in place. The procedure happened in a hospital. I was just told i needed to have an exam. My parents drove me.

Editors comment: In this case they did secret surgery in the stomach area of tghe boy in addition to the tonsillectomy.

Knuty Holt

Boy 10 yo - Tonsillectomy plus Laparoscopic inpection inside the stomach area

I am male. As early teen 14. The procedure happened in North America, USA in 2010 or later. I had tonsillectomy.

Symptoms after the procedure:
I had pain, irritation or other problems in my nose. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my mouth. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. My underwear bieng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The procedure or the time to you regained consciousness took at least twice as long time before you wake up than expected.

My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs. Strange persons appeared around you before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure.

I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. The procedure happened in a hospital. I had to have my tonsils out, my parents took me. Yeah an inter mentioned something about looking in my belly, not really but i did wake up with a bandage over my belly button.

Editors comment: They probably performed an exam with a laparoscopic instrument through his belly button, and probably also some instpection through his anus.
Knut Holt

Edited by Knut Holt


Teen 16 - Gender not clearly expressed - Tonsillectomy with multiple internal inspections with endoscopes

It happened as early teen, 16 years old, in North America, in 2010 or later. I had tonsillectomy or adenectomy. I had to have my tonsils out because a lot of poel in my area had gotten tonsillitis. They also performed an exam or procedure, but was not given information about what they did. I was told I was going to have my tonsils out.

I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth and also in my respiratory tract or lungs. I also I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach and also in my esophagus or upper stomach.

A tampon or other object being left in my anus. My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The procedure or the time till I regained consciousness took at least twice as long time before I woke up than expected.

Strange persons appeared around you before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure. I felt fine before the surgery after words my belly felt weird and I had also bandage over my belly button-

They gave me gas through a mask and was unconscious all the time. They put a mask over my face and told me to brether normally. The procedure happened in a hospital. My mom drove me. Kind of they said something about examining my belly and other places","no",

Editor's comment: The irritation in the airways can be explained by the gas and intubation with a tube down the throut. It seems that they examined this teen with endoscopes put down the throut, through the anus, through the urethra and through the navel.



What Happens When a Patient Has Surgery

surgery,patient,preparations,techniques,after care,anesthesia,general,local,epidural,spinal

Here you can read about preparations before surgery, what working techniques the surgeon uses and the care of the patient after surgery. The most important anesthetic methods are explained.


Before surgery takes place, one prepares the patient in several ways. The staff install several electrodes and tubes to monitor and support bodily functions. They start the anesthesia and they prepare the patient so that the surgical work can be done in a safe and practical way. These measures will be in effect during surgery and after it they will be disconnected in a specific sequence.

The routines vary however from place to place. Greatest variation is perhaps to be found in the choice between general anesthesia or only localized anesthesia, especially for children.


Already before going to hospital all patients will be instructed to stop eating and sometimes the patient will be given a laxative to clean out all content from the digestive system. A few hours before surgery the patient must also stop drinking. At hospital some surgeries will require further cleansing by means of enemas.

When the patient arrives in hospital a nurse will receive him and he will be instructed to shift to some kind of hospital dressing, often a sort of pajama.

A nurse will take vitals. The anesthetist will visit the patient, talk with him and examine him shortly. Especially children will often get a plaster with numbing medication at sites where intravenous lines will be inserted at a later stage.

The patient or his parents will often be asked to sign a consent for anesthesia and surgery. In some societies consent is assumed, however, if objections are not stated at the initiative of the patient or the parents.

Then the nurse will often give the patient a sedative medication, typically midazolam (versed), usually as a fluid to swallow. Then they wheel the patient into a preparation room or right to the operating room.

Before anesthesia is initiated the patient will be connected to several devices that will stay during surgery and some time after: He will get a pulse oximeter on a finger or a toe to monitor oxygen saturation, a cuff around an arm or a leg to measure blood pressure, a tube called an intravenous line (IV) into a blood vessel in an arm, and electrodes at his upper body to monitor his heart activity.

Before proceeding the anesthetist will once again check all the vitals of the patient to ensure that he still is fit for surgery, or to detect abnormalities that require special attention.

Right before the definite anesthesia the anesthetist may gives the patient a new dose of sedative medication, often propofol, through the IV line. This dose relaxes further, depresses memory, and often already makes the patient totally unconscious.


The anesthetist will start the general anesthesia by giving gas blended with oxygen through a mask. Once the patient is dormant, he will always get gas blended with a high concentration of oxygen for some while to ensure a good oxygen saturation in the blood.

If total muscle relaxation is wanted during surgery, a nurse will give a medication through the IV line that paralyzes muscles in the body, including the respiration, but not the heart.

Then the anesthetist will open up the mouth of the patient, look down inside his throat with a laryngosocope, and insert a laryngeal tube through his mouth and past the vocal cords, while using the laryngoscope as a guide for the insertion.

Then the patient will be given artificial ventilation through the laryngeal tube that provides oxygen and anesthetic gas continually during the whole surgery process.


They will strip the patient totally naked. More IV lines will now often be inserted into vessels at the lower body. He will typically also get more electrodes at the lower body to monitor the heart activity. Often a tube called a Foley catheter is inserted through the urethral opening into the bladder to drain the urine during surgery. A probe for measurements of temperature may also be inserted through the rectal opening or down the esophagus.

Sometimes they insert a tube through the rectal opening for flushing and drainage, and sometimes they also push a tube through the nose and down the esophagus into the stomach to keep the stomach empty for secrets or for instillation of nutrients after surgery.

A big electrode will be placed onto the body of the patient, most often under the buttocks which is necessary to make electric surgery tools work. Then the surgery site and a wide area around is painted with a solution of the yellow antiseptic agent betadine.

The nurses will lay the patient in the position necessary for surgery, and the patient is draped with blankets except at the surgical site and his face.


Some surgeries are performed without general anesthesia, but with numbing of body parts instead. Patients can also get localized anesthesia while under general anesthesia to alleviate pain after surgery.

By local anesthesia a numbing drug is injected in the local area where the surgery takes place. It is typically used by very small surgeries.

By regional anesthesia one injects the drug near to a nerve that serves a greater body part. Sometimes a thin catheter is also inserted that will remain to help give the patient more numbing drug during and after surgery.

By epidural anesthesia the drug is injected in the room inside the spine near the spinal cord, but over the dura mater and arachnoidea, which are two tissue sheets surrounding the spinal cord.

By spinal anesthesia one injects the medication inside the spine between the arachnoidea and pia mater. The pia mater is the immediate dressing of the spinal cord. It is typically used as main anesthesia for surgeries at the lower part of the body.

Also by these methods the patient will typically get some calming medication through an IV line in addition.


The traditional scalpels for cutting and pinches to stop bleeding are now mostly replaced by more modern devices that achieve these two purposes simultaneously.

Much used is the harmonic knife, a peak probe through which alternating current is sent into the tissue so that it splits apart and blood coagulates. Another tool is a laser that cuts and stops the blood flow by heating up the tissue where the beam is pointed.

A coblation tool releases ions (electrically charged atoms) that have been energetically excited by an alternating voltage. The ions etch and dissolve tissue and the tool also sucks up the dissolved tissue.

By orthopedic surgery where bone is cut, the surgeon will typically use tools like electric saws and drills and in many ways work just like a carpenter. In addition to needle and thread the surgeon often uses means like staples and glue also to recompose tissue. By surgery in bone, screws and nails are often used.

Modern surgery is often performed through tiny openings through which a video camera and instruments are inserted. In the most modern settings, the whole battery of equipment is driven mechanically and is controlled from a computer unit where the surgeon sits. Such a setting is called robotic surgery

The surgery finishes by closing of the incisions and by wound dressing. Often the surgeon will first place catheters that go from the inside of the surgical site to the outside, and these will remain some time during healing. The catheters drain the site for blood and fluid that leak from the tissues. They can also be used for flushing of the surgical site and to instill antimicrobial drugs.


After surgery the anesthesia is discontinued and the patient is allowed to wake up, but artificial ventilation continues some time during this process. When the patient is nearly fully awake, the ventilation is discontinued and they take out the laryngeal tube so that the patient can breath by his own.

During this time the Foley catheter may be taken out or left to remain. Some IVs, electrodes and sensors will be taken out, but at least one IV, the pulse oximeter, the blood pressure cuff and an electrode at the upper body will be left to stay some time. Also catheters for administering of local anesthesia and drainage tubes will be left to stay. It is customary to place back the clothes on the patient at this point, at least at the lower body, which provides that the patient often will not know that he has been totally naked.

When stable, the patient will be transferred to a post-operative bed unit where he will be monitored tightly for some hours before they transfer him to an ordinary hospital room. During hours and sometimes days after surgery the patient will typically be given medication to alleviate pain and nausea, and for relaxation. Pain medication will typically be achieved with opiates. For sedation and nausea treatment they mostly use diazepines like midazolam.

One will try to let the patient rise up some time as soon as possible to avoid complications due to ineffective blood flow, like blood clots. If he cannot rise up for some time, the patient may be equipped with cuffs around the legs that are constantly inflated and deflated in a wave-like fashion to ease blood flow.

At some point the rest of the IVs, the electrodes and catheters will be taken out and medication discontinued.



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