Sara Ritchie
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Date Posted: 13:51:38 05/29/03 Thu
I am looking for these Holland Lops, with FULL PEDIGREES-
A Black doe (can be large, needed for a brood doe) and a Blue tort buck, dosent have to be showable but must be SMALL, preferably even too small to show!!:) Would be willing to work out a trade, with some of the bunnies i have available -
I have a adorable 6 week old Black Silver Marten Netherland Dwarf kit (not sexed yet) from great bloodlines with a FULL PEDIGREE. Worth $20 to me.
I have a solid Tort, adult Holland Lop doe for sale. She is very pretty, and is a good producer, weighs around 3.12 and has a wonderful personality! But she dosent have a pedigree. She is possibly pregnant, because I tried breeding her a few days ago. Its hard to tell whether or not the breeding "took" but if it did, then she would have babies June 19-20 (holland lop babies). Worth $20 to me
And I have 5 mixed bunnies, great personalities, make great pets, average around 5-6 lbs full grown. Adorable and only 6 weeks old rightnow. Mixed with Satin, Silver Fox, and Mini Rex! Asking $5 ea. or $20 for all 5 of them!!!
And I live in Midland NC between Charlotte and Albermarle.
And if you arent intereted in a trade then please just let me know if you have those 2 Hollands for sale. Thanks
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