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Date Posted: 19:49:12 03/28/01 Wed
Author: Mamusz
Subject: Re: "Call to the Nations" Speech
In reply to: cezoram 's message, "Re: "Call to the Nations" Speech" on 23:08:19 03/25/01 Sun

>>The thing that bothers me even more than the content
>>of that speech is the way it is being received among
>>the rank and file members. They are all so excited
>>about how wonderful it is. Don't they see what he has
>>said? Don't they realize that he is admitting that he
>>does not believe the Book of Mormon to be true? It is
>>almost like listening to the followers of a cult
>>leader. Nothing but praise for a man that is leading
>>them down a path to destruction. Why are they so
>>blind? Personally, I do not think this is a case of
>>the blind leading the blind, but rather a case of men
>>seeking power for their own gratification that know
>>exactly what they are doing. It is obvious to me.
>When I refer to the church leadership as the blind
>leading the blind, I do not mean to say that the
>leaders are following paths that they are not aware
>of. I likewise believe that these men and women are
>seeking power and that they know what they are doing
>to obtain that power. But I feel that such desire for
>power has blinded them to the truth of Jesus Christ.
>They use the name Jesus Christ, without really
>understanding who He is and what He has done. These
>leaders press forward in their pursuits, yet they do
>not realize that they are no longer on the straight
>and narrow path. The members of the church who
>support the leaders are indeed following behind them,
>trusting those leaders to lead them to Christ. But
>the leaders have been blinded by Satan, which in turn,
>blinds the members of the church.
>We can tell these leaders how off-track they are until
>we are blue in the face, but they have been lulled
>into that carnal tranquility, until such a time that
>they will be bound in those awful chains. The COC
>feel that all is well in Zion. They believe that
>Grant is infallible.
>Eventually, they will fall into the ditch, and not be
>able to escape that ditch.

What do the "Pope", the LDS president, and Grant McMurray have in common? They are infallable.


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