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Date Posted: 18:32:42 04/02/13 Tue
Author: fft
Subject: Law definition: Marriage is between man and woman

You people really need to get a law dictionary.

"Marriage" is defined under the law as "Legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife. Singer vs. Hara, 11 Wash. App. 247, 522 P.2d 1187,1193. Marriage, as distinguished from the agreement to marry and from the act of becoming married, is the legal status, condition, or relation of one man and one woman united in law for life, or until divorce, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent on those whose association is founded on the distinction of sex. A contract, according to form proscribed by law, by which a man and woman are capable of entering into such contract mutually engage with each other to live their whole lives (or until divorce) together in a state of union which ought to exist between a husband and wife. The word also signifies the act, ceremony, or formal proceeding by which persons take each other for husband and wife. ... (This is from Black's Law Dictionary. 5th Ed.)

By the way, you don't need a LICENSE TO GET MARRIED UNLESS:

Marriage License: A license or permission granted by public authority to persons WHO INTEND TO "INTERMARRY", usually addressed to the minister or magistrate who is to preform the ceremony, or, in general terms, to any one authorized to solemnize marriages. By statute in most jurisdiction, it is made an essential prerequisite to the lawful solemnization of the marriage.

Intermarriage (i.e. intermarry): See Miscegenation.

Miscegenation (Black's Law definition) - Mixture of races, marriage between persons of different races, as between a white and a Negro.

Mixed Marriages (part of law definition of marriage): A marriage between persons of different nationalities or religions, or, more particularly, between persons of different racial origins; as between a white person and a Negro or an Indian.

I could continue with more definitions to make the point, but this should be good enough. Now, don't take my word for it. Go look up all the law definitions yourself.

What is my point in posting these definitions here? To show the Homos are tying to change the law definition of the term. They already had a "right to contract" under the Constitution, BUT THE TERM "marriage" ALREADY MEANT "A UNION OF A MAN AND A WOMAN". Why don't they use the phrase "civil union"? I say it is because they aren't really PROUD to be HOMOSEXUALS. They don't want to have to admit it on any forms they might fill out in the future that they are homosexuals.

As a side note about marriage:

You don't need a "license" to get married unless you are a mixed couple getting married under the law. Yeah, I know. You think I made that up. Well, here is the definition of "marriage license":

A license or PERMISSION GRANTED BY PUBLIC AUTHORITY to a person intended to "intermarry", usually addressed to the minister or magistrate who is performing the ceremony, or, in general terms, to any one "authorized" to "solemnize marriages." By statute in most jurisdiction, it is made an essential prerequisite to the lawful "solemnization" of the marriage. - VERSUS YOUR "right to contract."

Solemnize - To enter into marriage publically before witnesses in contrast to a clandestine or common law marriage. Also see "right to contract"

I hope this helps you understand the web government has created to ensnare the unsuspecting public into their legal SCAM.

P.S. This is not the only words that evil people they to change to fit their agendas. Socialists redefine phrases like "general welfare" to support their "socialist" agendas.

Another example is the gun controllers even try to change the meaning of the 2nd Amendment to allow "gun control laws". By the way, the first gun control bills were passed to keep Negroes (newly freed slaves from owning guns). Don't believe me. Look it up for yourself. When you see the truth, now look at what the SOCIALIST AND THE GENERALLY DUMB PUBLIC are doing today. Lesson: NEVER BELIEVE A SOCIALIST WHEN THEY SAY THEY AREN'T TRYING TO TAKE YOUR RIGHTS AWAY FROM YOU OR THEY CLAIM THE NEED TO DO SO IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF OUR SOCIETY.

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