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†x ╒EaR Me DoMe x†

†x hellish shadows shift 'ound you as you enter a small dwelling, aside from the main territory. one foot places over an unseen boundary line and a deep snarl is heard. banchee unseen yet herad. sardonic rasp warning x† Welcome to my home. I am Neferiti. I own this dome. If you have permission, are a captive of me, or you wish to talk with me, proceed. Otherwise, let me give you some advice. Leave now, or you shan't walk earth again. †x last phrase said in a serious tone. you here a light tap o' tallons 'pon wood 'fore a pair o' slits 'pear. they tinguish for a while 'fore dis'pearing within the darkened path. If you proceed, you come upon a cave enterance. following the path you split onto a light bound path. a series of waterfalls spill into glittering pools. at the sight, you have not guessed 'twas an evil domain. yet not everything must be dark does it? x†

†x Information x†
  • Positions doesn't mean they dwell here, it just means who I think is best for the position
  • don't ask for positions
  • ONLY granted ones, ones seeking Neferiti, or Neferiti's captives may venture
  • DO NOT ask if you may be granted permission to enter. NOT GOOD
  • When Neferiti is gone, the Demon of the realm, or the back-ups will be in charge

    Demoness o' the Realm x Neferiti
    Demon o' the Realm x will there ever be one?

    Back-up Demoness x Malicious Intent *Mali*
    Back-up Demon x Mali's Choice

    †x Welcomed Ones x†

    †x Exiled Ones x†

    †x Captives x†

    †x News x†

  • x what to think x -- x Neferit x, 21:52:47 04/12/02 Fri [2]
  • † beware your nightmare † -- † Neferiti †, 11:37:26 03/27/02 Wed [2]
  • Entra -- Magnus, 17:52:54 03/25/02 Mon [1]
  • *Singsong voice* Miss Neffi! *A rare giggle escapes* -- Mali, 20:23:11 03/23/02 Sat [1]
  • †x fear me x† -- †x NEferiti x†, 18:46:17 03/20/02 Wed [1]

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