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Date Posted: 04:31:46 04/07/02 Sun
Author: None
Subject: None

The scene opens with Michael Cole and the King talking about the recent events in Triple A wrestling, with Stone Cold Steve Austin making his appearance and the events taking place at backlash when the house darkens and turns black.

King: Ahh Whats This? Whats going on?

Then a light showing a large Shamrock leaf zooms around the arena as child in a very Strong Irish voice whispers around the arena.....

Voice: The Irish Legend is coming.......The Irish Legend is coming...

King; This is freaking me out Cole.

Then Fight Club by the Dust Brothers hits over the PA and the titantron lights up. Flickering pictures of a man is scrappy clothes keeps flickering on and off around the titantron, pictures of this man fighting in illegal boxing rings flickers in slow motion.


Then the voice kicks in again...

Voice: The Irish Legend will return.......The Irish Legend will return.

Suddenly this all stops and everything returns to normal. The crowd are puzzled.

MC: What the hell was that King, "The Irish Legend Is Coming"?

King: I dont know Michael but i dont wanna be around when he's here.

====The Scene Fades To Black====

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