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Date Posted: 15:49:33 07/27/00 Thu
Author: howard
Subject: substance

For those who are looking for a way to make money, you gotta read this. It's well worth it.

I hate these posts as much as you do. Please give me just a few moments of your time. For only $5. how can you go wrong? IT REALLY WORKS!
It only cost me the postage and $5. READ ON.

I was looking through a newsgroup and saw an article titled GET CASH FAST!! I thought, "Here on the internet? Well, I'll just have to see what schemes could possibly be on the internet." The article described a way to MAIL A ONE DOLLAR BILL TO ONLY FIVE PEOPLE AND MAKE $50,000 IN CASH WITHIN 4 WEEKS! Well the more I thought about it, the more I became curious. Why? Because the way it worked AND IT WOULD ONLY COST ME FIVE DOLLARS (AND FIVE STAMPS). THAT'S ALL I EVER PAY-EVER!!!

Okay, so maybe the $50,000 in cash was a tough amount to reach, but it was possible. I knew I could at least get a return of $1,000 or so. So I did it!! Like the instructions in the article, I mailed out (snail mail) a single dollar bill to each of the five people on the list that was contained in the article. I included a small note with the dollar that stated "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR LIST." I then removed the first position name of the five names listed and moved everyone up one position, putting my name in position five of the list.

this is how the money starts rolling in! I then took the revised article, with my name now on the list, and REPOSTED IT ON AS MANY NEWSGROUPS AND LOCAL BULLETIN BOARD MESSAGE AREAS THAT I KNEW.

I then waited to watch the money come in, prepared to receive maybe about $1,000 to $1,500 in cash or so. But what a welcomed surprise when
those envelopes kept coming in!!! I knew what they were as soon as I saw the return addresses from people all over the world-most from the U.S. and some from Canada, and even Australia! I tell you , THAT WAS EXCITING!! So, how much did I get in total return? $1,000? $5,000? Not even!!! I received a total of $23,343!!! I couldn't believe it. I now have a brand new black Acura Integra due to this!!! now after eight months, I am ready to do this again!!! Maybe it is possible to get $50,00 in cash-- I don't know-- IT COMPLETELY DEPENDS ON YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL!

You must follow through and repost this article everywhere you can think of! The number of postings you make will determine how much cash you will generate!!! It's just too easy to pass up!!! Let's review the reasons why you should do this. The only cost factors are the five stamps, the five envelopes and the five dollar bills that you send out to the listed names by snail mail. Then just simply repost the article ( with your name added) to all the newsgroups and local bulletin boards you can. Then enjoy what you receive in your mailbox.

We all have five dollars to put into such an easy, effortless investment with SPECTACULAR, REALISTIC RETURNS OF $15,000 to $25,000 in about 3- 5 weeks. YOU CAN'T LOSE!!

this is how it is done. I have carefully provided the most detailed, yet straightforward instructions on how to easily get this underway and get your cash on its way.

1- Take a sheet of paper and write on it the following: "Please add my name to your list". Make sure you also include your name and address. this creates a service out of this money- making system and thus makes it completely legal. You are not randomly sending a dollar to someone, you are paying someone for a legitimate service. I assure you again that this is completely legal!

2- Fold the sheet of paper around a dollar bill(no checks or money orders). Put them into an envelope and send it to the five people on the list. The folding of the paper around the bill will insure its arrival to its recipient. THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT!!

3- THIS IS HOW YOUGET YOUR MONEY COMING TO YOUR MAILBOX. Look at the list of five people. Remove the first name from position 1 and move everyone on the list up one slot. Position 2 will become 1 and 3 becomes 2 and 4 becomes 3 and 5 becomes 4. Then you place your name and address in position 5.

4- Now, upload this updated file to as many news groups and local bulletin boards' message areas and file sections as possible. Give a catchy description of the file so it gets noticed!! Example: "NEED FAST CASH?" "HERE IT IS!" or "NEED TO PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS??", etc. The more uploads the more money you will make, and the more money the others on the list makes also. LET'S TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER BY BEING HONEST AND PUT FORTH 120 PERCENT INTO THIS PRIFITABLE AND AMAZING SYSTEM!!! You'll reap the benefits ,believe me!!! Set a goal for the number of uploads you'll post, such as 15- 20 postings or more! Always have a goal in mind!!!! If you can UUE encode the file when uploading, that will make it easier for the people to receive it and have it downloaded to their hard drive. That way they get a copy of the article right on their computer without hassles of viewing and then saving the article on the File menu. Don't alter the file type. Leave it as an MS- DOS text file. The best test is to be able to view this file using Microsoft's Notepad or Wordpad. If the margins look right without making the screen slide left or right at the ends of the sentences, your'e in business!

5- If you need help uploading, simply ask the sysop of the BBS, or "POST" a message on a newsgroup asking how to post a file. There should be posting instructions in the help section.

6- JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY LIFE BECAUSE CASH IS ON ITS WAY!! Expect to see a little money trickle in around 2 weeks, but about weeks 3 and 4, THE MONEY STORM WILL HIT YOUR MAILBOX!! All you have to do is take it out of your mailbox and not try to scream too loud when you realize YOU HIT THE BIG TIME AT LAST!! Pay off your bills and debt and enjoy your money. When you get low on your money supply, simply re-activate this file again, reposting it in old places and some new places you now know of. Don't lose this file. THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE TOOL THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS RE-USE TIME AND TIME AGAIN WHEN CASH IS NEEDED!


1) A. Brooks
41 NW Avenue
Miami, FL. 33055

2) Miss Terri Dream
61 Abercrombie St.
Chippendale, Australia 2008

3) Guy Outlaw
130 Agnes ave.
Albany, Ga. 31705

4) Jennifer Williams
8433 Devonshire CRT. Apt. b
Indianapolis, IN. 46260

5) John Osborne
6-2010 Elmhurst Ave.
Montreal, Que. Canada
H4b 1y3

NOTE: Keep a list of everyone that sends you a dollar (remember, they asked you to add them on your list) and always keep an eye on the local postings of this file, just to be sure everyone is playing by the fairly. You know where your name should be. HONESTY IS THE BEST THUING GOING FOR US ON THIS PLAN. If you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the people already included, you will not get much. I know someone who did this and only got about $150.( and that's after 2 months). Then he sent the five bills, people added him to their lists, and in 4- 5 weeks he had over $10,000.


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