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Date Posted: 23:03:51 04/07/02 Sun
Author: Matt
Subject: Holts Summit Hotel

If anyone wants to come to Holts Summit early on Saturday for the MDA Cruise mentioned previously (I plan on making it to the cruise on the 27th) or wants to stay over Sunday night the closest hotel is the Best Value Inn located in Holts Summit. It is located right off of 54 about 7 miles east of Jefferson City, at the AA/OO exit. There is a McDonalds and a 66 Gas station at the correct exit, and you can see the hotel from the exit ramp. If you're headed east from Jefferson City it is actually the third Holts Summit exit - the second exit also has a 66 gas station, but it is the "Whoa and Go" and the correct exit has "Luebbering's 66" instead. Turn left onto the overpass, left at the light and left again just past the Sun Bank and you're there. The phone number is 573-896-8787, or 1-888-315-BEST for toll free reservations. I stopped by there on Sunday morning after I got off work and the guy I talked to was pretty rude - and there are other places in Jefferson City, and Kingdom City, of course. Prices range from $45 to $65, depending on how many people are in the party.
To get to my place take the same AA/OO exit off of 54 and take a right at the top of the ramp. Take the next left which runs parallel to the highway in front of the Texaco Station, and drive to the first stop/yield sign. There is a large Doolittle Trailer sales/rental office at the corner. Turn right onto AA, and after about a half a mile turn left onto County Road 499. There is a grade school called Callaway Hills on the corner, and it is located at the top of a slight hill. My house is about 400 feet down 499 on the left - actually the first house you come to which is on 499. My address is on the mailbox - 10823, and I have a long gravel driveway, a brick house and a white 3-car detached garage. Events will kick off when everyone arrives on Sunday for the Nuclear Cruise, which is a 60 mile round trip. We will have a lunch at the plant, and tour the Simulator Control Room where Reactor Operators are trained, as well as a cruise around the cooling tower! Everyone needs to let me know if they plan on attending, and how many people will be coming along for the ride. After the cruise we can talk about chapter matters back at my house. I will be taking suggestions about the lunch for a week or so.....

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