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Date Posted: 07:51:49 06/29/02 Sat
Author: Matt
Subject: July 21 update

Hello everyone! So far I have received word from Dennis and Bill (on the PCS board) that they plan on attending. Dennis is going to bring his '69 Miller-Meteor Cadillac Limousine Duplex Hearse, and Bill is hopefully going to bring his '66 M-M Landau Duplex Hearse. I am going to contact three local people to see if they are interested in joining the club - two guys with hearses and a local FD. And, we also
have a new member - Scott Amsler - who lives just over the line in Illinois and hopefully will be able to bring his '72 Superior.
Due to low turn out at the last meeting I have been considering a repeat of a portion of the last cruise, complete with lunch in Rhineland and another visit to Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine and Cemetery. The Nuke plant was kind of a bust in my opinion since they
wouldn't let me take anyone through the main gate and around the cooling tower - but if there is enough interest we can try that again as well. This time I also plan on dinner at my place - fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon, the works. If anyone wants to bring a
dessert item that would be great. This way we will be able to eat dinner AND discuss chapter business at the same time.
Figure on a show-up time of 12:00 noon, and we will leave on the cruise at 12:30. It will take about 45 minutes to make the trip to Rhineland and lunch.
Of course we could also eat lunch at my house before the cruise and skip lunch in Rhineland - let's have some input here! If you can attend, please let me know. If you can't attend, ALSO please let me know. Anyone interested in holding one of the chapter offices let me know as well!
Directions to my house are located on the Chapter message board in a previous post below.

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