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Date Posted: 10:23:24 04/05/02 Fri
Author: 通天曉
Subject: 無知當道﹐李八方應該結業﹗﹗﹗(詳見內文)


《蘋果日報》李八方稱看到《 International Herald Tribune 》的Thomas
Crampton 寫梁伏戀﹐即謂「梁伏戀變國際八卦料」。很明顯李八方好日都唔睇英文傳媒﹐所以唔知道Dow Jones International
News,Far Eastern Economic Review,Associated Press Newswires﹐Agence France-Presse﹐以至The
Straits Times和 Kyodo News等等都已經報導過此事﹐半國際的SCMP日日大吹特吹更不在話下﹐其實《 International Herald
Tribune 》幾乎係最後報導的一個﹗﹗反而值得一「八」的是﹐這次為《 International Herald Tribune
》執筆的就是揭發李澤楷假學歷的Thomas Crampton﹐但李八方卻捉到鹿唔曉脫角。寫野寫成咁﹐老闆點樣裁員、減人工都應該冇聲出喇﹗﹗﹗


1)HK Financial Chief Dating Olympic Diver From

Dow Jones International News, 03/23/2002.

HONG KONG (AP)--Breaking a long silence about his love life, Hong Kong's
financial chief, Antony Leung, confirmed on Saturday a newspaper report that he
is dating Chinese Olympic gold medallist diver Fu

2)Chinese diving queen to marry Hong Kong financial secretary

Agence France-Presse, 03/23/2002

HONG KONG, March 23 (AFP) - China's Olympic diving medallist Fu Mingxia is to
wed Hong Kong's wealthy financial secretary Antony Leung within a year, reports
said Saturday. ...

3)In Other Words

Far Eastern Economic Review, 04/04/2002

I will turn 25 soon.
 Chinese Olympic diving gold-medallist Fu Mingxia responds to

about the age gap between herself and her new boyfriend, HongKong's financial
secretary, Antony Leung. Leung is 50 and divorced

4)Hong Kong financial chief says dating China's Olympic diving queen

Associated Press Newswires, 03/22/2002

HONG KONG (AP) - Breaking a long silence about his love life, Hong Kong's
financial chief Antony Leung confirmed on Saturday a newspaper report that he is
dating Chinese Olympic gold medallist diver Fu ...

5)Unlikely couple.

The Straits Times (Singapore), 03/31/2002

The whirlwind romance between Hongkong Financial Secretary Antony Leung, 50, and
Chinese Olympic diving star Fu Mingxia, 24, has started tongues wagging about
the 'real' reasons why the two are attracted to ea

6) H.K. financial chief confirms dating 23-yr-old...

Kyodo News, 03/23/2002

HONG KONG, March 23 -- Hong Kong's No. 3 leader Antony Leung said Saturday he is
dating Chinese diving gold medalist Fu Mingxia, confirming a news report which


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