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Date Posted: 17:09:53 07/01/02 Mon
Author: TalibanHunter[fu]G5
Subject: Re: Internal Conflict
In reply to: Mike (Faulcun) 's message, "Internal Conflict" on 15:25:30 06/30/02 Sun

Well written.Our rules on broadband were written because of the avp2 netcode it really suxs.I have seen your pings on our servers and I must say for a 56ker they are admirable.At the moment were are in the process of upgrading our servers and a few of them might be able to handle players on good dialup connections.With that said you are more than welcome to e-mail me if you would like to discuss the further.


>see i never really wanted to join a clan but i got to
>know some of the members of the fusion clan an i
>thought "wow, these guys seem pretty real." im pretty
>good friends with seth which is how i became
>interested with the fusion clan. as i was reading
>over your rules and regs. I couldnt help but say to
>myself "Geez, thats what im saying!". I like what you
>have to offer and I think you show great honor in what
>you do. I believe your clan is setting the standard
>for real playing and I think I would be proud to be
>apart of it. I know I have met you in server rooms
>before talibanhunter, and it was a pleasure playing
>with you. The only rule that i cant follow at the
>moment, is that i have a 56k. But i dont lag. i have
>spiffed up my modem and I have mtu adjustment programs
>so that my modem gets pushed to its limit. also you
>can ask around in some of the people in the fusion
>clan. im sure they will tell you that i don't lag and
>that its a rare occasion when i do (which only last a
>few secs anyways). right now im trying to set up 2
>modems like rip. as of now, I perform just as well as
>rip with one modem. I hope this doesnt affect your
>judgment about me joining your clan. way back when
>and even today, all games real life or not like
>baseball, or avp2, or even back in the midevil times,
>games are about ones skill and honor. this clan seems
>to know and display this, and I would like to join you
>and display these characteristics with you.
>thank you
> Mike

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