Subject: Re: *Summons* |
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Date Posted: 21:22:58 02/21/03 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Re: *Summons*" on 13:47:45 02/21/03 Fri
~+~*her eyes rose slowly.*~+~
She is mad at me... that is why i was sealed here.... because i made Her angry.....
~+~*she trembled for a few moments more, before pulling herself together.*~+~ was my fault.... i suppose that i have been here for some time then.... the coldness has lifted... p-please let me try to explain..... i never meant any of this to happen.....
~+~*she was still in tears, but seemed to be calming herself.*~+~
in the crystal palace, there is a door that contains the Light of Aderes.... it has been there since the creation of the moons and the birth of the spirits..... i do not know how long ago it was, but the current rullers had gathered the required components to open the door. i was not included- i was just a bystander, one of the Riders stationed there....
~+~*her eyes seemed to distance themselves for a moment.*~+~
...i rode a magnificent Bronze Dragon... his name was Elidor. i had been with him since i was a todler, and he a hatchling. i was present to keep the guardians of the door at bay- one would emerge every so often and try to defend its lock. i was classified as a High Summoner, only a few years from attaining my Master status and joining the ranks of time that my mentors had.... but it was not to be... the first guardian that came when the door opened was rather simple- a serpent-like creature. there were two more after it, but none of them presented much of a threat because they were ancient and limmited in power. once they were gone, the Light began to shine....
~+~*she trembled slightly as memories clouded her vision.*~+~
umm.... the Light.... what it is.... its a small spiritual vessel that carries a courageous soul. the light its self is a small sphere, but the soul makes it shimmer and shine. it claims souls that are killed on Aderes, that would give up any chance of return to defend their world. that bravest soul is given a spiritual form, and sealed into the Light. the bearrer of it can supposedly call it forth, but a few things go into play with that. the soul can be corrupted if it gets negative energy from its surroundings. if it is taken by a person with a weak spirit, it will die. if it is taken by one who will use it for wrong, it will kill. and if taken by one who can not see or speak to it, it will vanish. the Light banishes darkness, any that it touches that its bearrer does not desire to exist.
~+~*she blushed.*~+~
...anyway.... i was there to defend against the guards that came out of the door. the two Gate Keepers that had opened the door stood aside as our potentian bearrer stepped up. we did not have the time to react when a final guardian lept from the door. a great demon, one of the rarest. i believe that it was called a 'Raven Tear' later on, but i can not be sure. anyways, it was one of the 5 rarer and more powerful demons that exist, probably to this day. the bearrer was killed, but the door could not be shut- the light escaped before we could seal it again. during the fight with the demon, i was knocked back and the light passed through me. i was not strong of heart- so the light died. that was during the war that caused the great Mage Storms here. so, i was responsible for the failure of the moon at the time. my leader, who was a greater mage than i, cursed that day and my existance. my punishment was to be sealed here until my death, but she died before i did. umm... Elidor gave his soul to keep me strong over the ages.... the Light finally returned with a new soul, but because on me being the last to touch it, my curse covered this land. lower imps and demons began to appear in the night.... i was so horrified... aparently, i also became one of the seals on the door, and....
~+~*she glanced over to the window, stained with an image of Boyaknu and a red version of her.*~+~
a dark-self of my first summon was created there within that seal. it should be the only guardian there in the present.... but i believe that it is more or less derived from the summon Everyn, who is widely redarded as 'The Devil's Mirror' for the ability to take numerous forms when summoned. the creature is just a spawn of darkness though.... but....
~+~*something hit her all of a sudden, and her eyes dried as they lost color.*~+~
...if i am no longer cursed, then that means.....
~+~*she looked up at harmony.*~+~
please.... tell me that you havent left anything or anybody important near the palace..... they are in grave danger.... the seal is broken, the creature is loose....
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