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Subject: .Rancid.(COURTNEY)

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Date Posted: 11:44:10 09/24/03 Wed
In reply to: Gucci 's message, "||+Make Up Your Pretty Face+||" on 22:07:59 09/23/03 Tue

*The spotted dane nodds his head and agressivley begins to call for Courtney. His barks were loud and made those around ears ring. He made the birds cry out franticly while the cats hissed at him and other dogs/puppies joined in on his chrous courtney was sure to come.*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *Queen Of Hearts*

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Date Posted: 11:46:46 09/24/03 Wed

*The young owner of the store steps out from the back room whiping her hands on a towel. She jogs up slightly seeing the new dog, than looking to Rhiley.* "Whats wrong with you 2?" *She asked questioningly*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: .Ranicid.

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Date Posted: 11:49:48 09/24/03 Wed

*The dane looked at courtney and flapped his head back and fourth and growled grabbing the sleeve of her shirt and tugged on it going towards the door than running back to her. He needed her to go somewhere. He barked angry at her than ran out of the door and jumped into the back of her red pick up truck barking more and looking to Gucci.* "Help me tell her where you need us to go. *He barked slightly at Gucci.* "Where are we going?"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ||+Make Up Your Pretty Face+||

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Date Posted: 20:03:50 09/24/03 Wed

.she didn't even twitch an ear as he barked, watching him as he barked. the alley... .she moves to the truck and sniffs at the tire, she hated human vehicals. .but she would have to ride in thios one. .with an easy leap, the black corded poodle bitch leaps into the back of the truck. .paws clearing the raised tailgate with ease and little efort.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Queen Of Hearts*

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Date Posted: 13:01:24 09/25/03 Thu

*She watched the dogs run out fo the door and followed. She watched the two get into the truck. Now where she thought franticly. She thought quickly, there was only one place where dogs usually get wounded, and this Gucci looked familur. The Back Alley si where they wanted her to go. She swiftly jumped into the truck put the keys in. She backed up swiftly seeing the dogs wobble a bit.* "Hold on guys." *She said as she turned the truck and went racing to the Back Alley.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Rancid*

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Date Posted: 13:03:21 09/25/03 Thu

*He growled slightly as they were jerked back in the truck. His nails scraped against the back of the truck which wasnt flat it had zig zags in and out of it. He growled and than found his way to the side of the truck as he looked out the back waiting for the alley to come into view.*

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