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Subject: Re: Who Died & Made YOU Pope

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Date Posted: 06:06:44 04/27/02 Sat
In reply to: Cerberus Sticx 's message, "Re: Who Died & Made YOU Pope" on 04:52:11 04/27/02 Sat

*Stumbling towards the water as Cerberus pushes him, Tymbaa struggles to keep his calm and concentrate. Moving his feet quickly, he finally regains his balance and turns to Sticx with a smile. He had used this same discipline before when he had leapt over the railing of the Temple stair case to help Ganymede clean up the whipped cream mess left over from a confrontation with Sister Taffy.

Looking at the shocked faces of the others gathered by the jacuzzi, the Cleric of Coitus looks down at the surface of the water that he's standing on and exclaims in a loud, irrevert voice...*

It's a Miricle! By all that is Sexy and Sensual, throw out the life perservers! I can walk on water!

*Laughing at the surprise in everyone's eyes, Tymbaa walks to the water's edge and steps back on dry ground and gives Sticx a haughty "HA!". To which Cerberus reacts to by promptly toppling the Cleric over backwards into the waters once again.*

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