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[> Subject: Internet Top 100 Documentation Released for Public Use [jayneil5414@gmail.com]

Jayne Illformason (share and enjoy)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 17, 07:42:23pm

Contact the Internet "Top 100" For Your Mailing Opportunities

now, available to the public

Everyone knows there is a "top 100" list of internet influencers and active e-mailers. But until now, did you ever see that list?

No, you did not. You were never considered an "internet insider". The list was deemed a hairy, disgusting mess, and so it was kept carefully. Did you even have a network-related job providing a need to know?

Probably we should be reluctant to let you see it today. However, the interest of net freedom demands that this no longer be a secret. No longer is access to the list limted to "insider" experts, today it is available to all responsible users.

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