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Subject: Staying on Your Diet while Eating Out (gdeh457)

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Date Posted: 10:17:29 09/25/09 Fri

First of all, make a rough plan in advance about your choices of foods. This way you won't be confronted with the problem of deciding what to order when the waiter hands over the menu to you. If you are unfamiliar, give them a call or take a look at their website to see what their offerings are like. If there is not enough information, then ask somebody.
Never skip your meals earlier in the day simply because you are eating out in the evening. Skipping meals often causes you to consume more calories in the night, when your calorie requirement is actually low. All excess calories would end up being stored as body fat, because they are not going to compensate you for having skipped the afternoon meal or be saved to be used for your next day's requirement.
Have a proper lunch so that in the evening you won't pounce on and devour whatever comes to the table. To put your appetite under control, carry a piece of your favorite fruit and a handful of nuts to nibble on while on the way to the restaurant. You may even eat a small bowl of salad some half an hour before leaving for the restaurant.
Now, while at the restaurant, go for an 'a la carte' menu instead of eat-as-much-as-you-can buffets. Choose dishes with extra portions of vegetables and order smaller portions or split portions with friends. Ask about food preparation methods and key ingredients. Ask about lower calorie options, and find out how lenient they are about mixing and matching entrees to fit your individual needs.
Start your meal with a glass of plain water. Keep your hands off the bread plate, or the cracker basket. Ask the server to remove it, unless one of your group protests. Most people mistake their thirst for hunger and eat when they could have saved themselves from those calories with a glass of water. http://www.lampboosters.com/eating_out.html

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