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Subject: The Fury of Fire (I'm new!)

Golden CLoud
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Date Posted: 21:44:56 10/02/04 Sat

The mare entered the new land with pride nad royal dignity in her stride. True she was a bit afraid but she would never show it. She flowed across the land looking for any inhabitants. Her finely sculpted Arabian head was held proudly high and her ears perked. Her white silks flowed in the wind. Her lovely white mane blew about like wind spreading fire. Her tail was held erect and it flowed down like cascading waterfall. Her coat shone more brightly than a golden coin. As her slender legs carried the fairy horse across the gorunds sunset approched. all of a sudden a hidden sanke appered. It appered to be a cobra. The mare reared screaming into the wind. And just as she rose into the air like a whisp of sunlight the last second of sunset was upon her. Her goldne coat changed from a shiny gold to the color of deep fire. Her white mane now glowed like sparks. Her blue orbs were ablaze with inner fire. The once golded dream was now a fire horse. She struck upon the coiled snake that had been ready to enject venom within her. She fought without mercy and with savage brutalness. The snake was slaighn and soon her firey color faded. SHe had once again beocme Palimno. Her sunset magic had let her transform but she dare not use it in battle for she had not gained full control. Her talons once agian walked the earth looking for a compainon.

Name: Golden CLoud
Age: 3 moons
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Of the fairer
Tint: Palimno except for at sunset
Height: 15 hands
Personality: strong headed, noble and brave, no fear for anything, loving and caring but a merciless warrior, strong willed

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~/like/many/moons/~agoAlgol, The Demon's Head16:16:34 12/15/04 Wed

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