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Date Posted: 21:09:26 05/31/02 Fri
Author: Sushi
Subject: Two that aren't making it into the Archives...

K'raie Meraun
Invented By~ Haimi
Height at the Shoulder~ about 5' but including the head is 6'
Species' Colors~The skin colors are blue, green, and purple, all with gold or silver undertones. The wings come in gold, purple, green, and blue. The eyes come in any color (even colors like red, orange, magenta, black, neon green, etc.)
Temperment~ They can be kind, mean, whatever. But if they are peaceful, they are always peaceful. They are never moody, always set in their ways.
Species' Description~They are shiny, metallic skinned bipeds with large leathery dragon-like wings in many colors ((the colors are listed above)). Their body frame is similar to that of a human female. They have limited magic, but nothing spectacular. They have a long lifespan, most live to be 80 or 90 earth years. There is no such thing as a male k'raie meraun, only females. Reproduction happens when the female k'raie meraun has sex with another species' male; if the raiei ((thats a kid)) is a male, it is the species of the father with the magic of the mother. If the raiei is a female, the raiei is a k'raie meraun.

Invented By~ Wolffe
Height at Shoulder~ about 3 feet
Colours~ gray,black,red,brown,white or mixed
Temperament~ depends
Description~ like a werewolf,but alot shorter and more human then wolf

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