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Date Posted: 16:36:24 06/23/02 Sun
Author: Sushi
Subject: Hnn... (three)

Species' Name~ hawk-dog
Invented By~ Hawthorn
Height at the Shoulder~ around 3'
Species' Colors~ normally black to brown, but odd colors like white do occur
Temperment~ very obedient, will attack if taunted. they will normally follow humans around until they are trained to do whatever. hawthorn has a herd of her own, mainly brown ones tho.
Species' Description~ a dog's muscular body with a hawk's shortness. wings, a beak, and very good eyesight. sometimes attack humans without notice, but most have good judgement. "bad guys" often train these to rob trains with money, gold, or any other valuables, since not too many people will stand in front of a raving hawk-dog.

species name: voiden
invented by: kyo
home world: the voiden came into existance on voidaron, a planet circling the star osirus. they quickly advanced to the point of being able to make starships, mass producing the ship known as the shadow freedom(which is the only ship kyo flies), which they used to fly from place to place.
height at shoulders: about 8'
speices colors: basicly the same as a human's, but they all have brown hair and light gray eyes
temprament: voiden are all very brooding, and though they can be happy, it is a rare occasion. they are excellent at defending themselves as well...
speices description: in the voidens case, size does matter, as they always use hight and physical strength to there atvantage. they are also extremly intelligent, as shown from there ability to make ships only 200 years after the race came to be. the long scars on the end of there arms extend long blades, providing excellent protection at close range....

Species' Name~ Were-Aya (subspecies of Kumayaki)
Invented By~ Katerina Caterwall
Home World~ Anyana
Height at the Shoulder~ When in bi form, up to 7 ft. When in quad? usual Aya size
Species' Colors~ Any colors an Aya could have
Temperment~ Same as regular Aya, but more mechanically minded.
Species' Description~ In bi form, your average Kumayaki furre. Sharp canines that reach to the bottom of her chin, long tapered Aya ears, expressive eyes. Sharp claws on hands and feet.

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