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Date Posted: 11:06:35 06/07/03 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Eh-heh... I'm still using this board after all... O,x

Name~ Trotter(s)
Home World~ Cadora
Height at the Shoulder~ 5+8 feet
Description~ Trotters greatly resemble the medium-sized carnivorous dinosaurs of Earth. Their heads are much like a that of a raptor, long-snouted with rows of sharp teeth perfect for ripping and tearing; they have almond-shaped, slit-pupiled eyes and a forked tongue. Their basic build is, like previously said, dinosaurian; they're bipeds with horizontal spines and forearms normally tucked close to their deep chest. These forearms are somewhat long, almost able to reach the ground, and their 'hands' are equipped with three long, clawed digits. Their hind legs, on the other hand, are powerfully muscled and undeniably dinosaurian, ending in heavy, three-toed, clawed talons. Their tails are long, held straight when running for balance, and otherwise quite flexible. Trotters are covered in a supple, soft-leather-y hide that's tougher and thicker than it looks.
Breeds~ Trotters are separated into breeds, each breed having its own build, color, temperament, and special characteristics. Earths can be any medium to dark shade of brown and any non-flourescent green. Brown earths are very bulky but not very tall, averaging 6.5 feet, and are very stable in mentality, tending to be loners. Their specialties are strength and endurance. Green earths are more slender and shorter, around 6 feet on average, and are much faster in running and thinking than brown earths... however, their endurance and strength are far less. Blues are the smallest, slim and averaging 5.5 feet; they have webbed talons and 'fingers', as well as gills. They swim insanely well and have surprising speed and endurance in the water, though on dry land they're the weakest and slowest of the breeds. Whites and blacks, though considered separate breeds, have the same temperament (highly intelligent, strong willed, and spirited) and the same build (the largest next to golds at 8' and well muscled). Golds belong to the last breed, metals or metallics, which consist of very large, muscular golds, shortish (6.5') and somewhat toned and lean silvers, and brass/copper/bronze Trotters of medium build and height (7'). Metals are the most fiery and difficult to train of the breeds, followed by whites and blacks, then earths, then blues. (As a comparison, you could capture a blue adult and train it within months, as opposed to a few years for blacks and whites, a year for browns, and training from hatching for metals.)

Name~ kat'ni
Home World~ Cadora
Height at the Shoulder~ human height
Coloration~ Kat'ni can have skin of almost any naturalish color, normally medium to dark in shade... blues, metals, browns, even pure black; rarer are purples, reddishes, and blue-greens. Kat'ni skin is almost always one color, sometimes lighter on the palms, chest, throat, and stomach; when there are any markings, they're usually restricted to stripes or streaks across the backs of the hands, cheekbones, shoulders, or hips. Eyes tend to be bright natural colors (gold, silver, brown, green, and blue, or any shade in-between) with no highlights or flecks present. Claws (resembling elongated, sharp fingernails) are normally painted, but are naturally a pale shade of peach or pearl. Kat'ni hair has the same color-range as their skin, though blues, purples, and reddishes are more common than metals, browns, black, and white.
Temperament~ Considering, they don't differ from humans nor demons too much. They place a heavy value on honesty, self-discipline, physical and mental strength and speed, adaptability, and endurance. To them, weakness is to be trained out of both mind and body as quickly as possible. Not to say they're strict militians, just that they like being strong. However, kat'ni tend to be far more sensitive than humans and take offense easily, but also are less prone to direct violence. They're usually excellent fighters, but they don't do battle without very good reason... except with their own kind when a rebellious sect attacks a good, hard-working town. ¬¬ In which case... let the blood fly!
Description~ Kat'ni are very much like humans, with only a few noticeable differences. Their canine teeth are elongated into small, sharp fangs, and almost to match their fingernails are naturally sharper and longer, usually referred to as claws. Builds vary, as in humans, though by far the most common is tall and slender. Kat'ni have pointed, surprisingly mobile ears, and their main senses (hearing and eyesight) are much better than humans, with their sense of smell better but not by much. Despite their similarities, kat'ni are much faster, more agile, and usually a good bit stronger than humans.

Name~ Oroya (plural- Oroyai)
Home World~ Shakala
Height~ 4-5.5 ft
Coloration~ Always with a very pale base color (white, pearl, silver, grey, ivory, blue-white, violet-white, peach) with a full-body pattern of small, darker (reds, purples, golds, blues, greens, black) markings (stripes, rosettes, spots, streaks). Eyes and manes are the same color as their markings; claws are white.
Temperament~ Mellow, like most Shakalans. Coming from a world where the struggle to live is against the climate instead of fellow creatures, Oroyai have an affinity for lifeforms all and find plants to be insanely interesting, as they have so few on their homeworld. They're gentle and kind, intelligent but usually not acidly so. Those who have left Shakala to take part in the Olashi space program tend to be braver, more adventurous types, but they've not lost the joy in living. The only things that can make any and all Oroyai seriously uneasy are extreme heat and crowds, neither of which they have much experience with.
Description~ Rather short beasts that can go on all fours but are more often found as upright bipeds (to better wade through the snow), Oroyai are thickly furred with long, often hip-length manes cascading from head and neck downwards in straight, silky tendrils. They have short, sturdy hind legs that pace digitigrade (like a human walking on the balls of their feet) on long, broad paws like those of a snowshoe hare. Their arms are humanish, though short as well, and end in broad, almost feline paws with slightly elongated digits that can just barely act as fingers. Their claws on both forepaws and pawfeet are dog-like, blunt, and unretractable. They have small, bear-like tails, and their torsos are definitely canine in structure, with widened ribs but nothing much special. Their heads are short-muzzled and broad, almost ape-ish in a way, especially when you take the flat teeth and wide nostrils into account. They have large, fox-like ears which are partially submerged in their luxurious manes. All in all, Oroyai are very furry, rather muscular, and short in stature.

Name~ Atsudan (a word meaning without-sun, or night, a tribute to their Night Cat origins)
Home World~ Genetically engineered on Aibla, though they claim Lavana as their home.
Height~ 4'8" to about 5'8"... they're not very tall.
Coloration~ Their fur, normally short, can be a small variety of colors. Black is most common, and may include a tiny white or silver marking, usually on the forehead or chest. Deep deep blue is the next most common, and is often seen with many silver or white flecks, giving the impression of wearing the night sky. Least common is a dark smoky gray, which almost never has any other color in the fur. Their eyes are any colors, truly, even orange or yellow. Atsudan usually wear clothing (except when in the wilds of Lavana, where it doesn't really matter); the almost-universal garb is knee-length leggings of some soft but sturdy fabric. Though female Atsudan do have small breasts, shirts aren't common unless socially required.
Temperament~ Much like their Night Cat kindred; very feline. Atsudan, despite being gengineered, take pride in themselves as individuals, as a species, and as Lavanians. Being quite small in number, they value each and every one of their fellows and would never think of killing one of their own. They fight to live, they don't live to fight; most Atsudan are excellent warriors, but will not kill unless forced by either an honor-bound challenge or the situation. They're affectionate, playful, curious explorers otherwise, quite skilled with technology and preferring what they take from the Jhee to Olashi machinery.
Description~ Again like Night Cats, Atsudan wouldn't earn a second glance from nearly any spacer or Lavanian. They've short, glossy fur of a dark hue and vivid cattish eyes; their build is humanoid with feline features (think anthro cat). Their tails are half as long as one would expect a cat to have, but with retractable claws, broad hindpaws and nimble and unusual five-fingered hands (as opposed to the Lavanian norm of four fingers), sharp fangs and toned muscles, Atsudan may appear average but are anything except. Their running speed may not enable them to race a Morolla, their strength may not rival a Siyymn, and perhaps their agility isn't that of a grey Tokathe... but never underestimate a creature formed from the blood of the first Lavanian.

Name~ Nihik(s)
Home World~ Genetically engineered on Aibla, though they claim Lavana as their home.
Height~ Tall buggers, Nihik females can range from 5.5 to 6.5 feet, with males going from 6 to 7.5 feet.
Coloration~ We're... not... sure. ^_^;; However, there have been pale earth tones (cream, tan, ivory, white, silver, grey, golden, pastel green), as well as blues and teals, possibly with a grey undertone. Their short fur tends to be one color, with longer fur a darker or brighter shade of the same hue. Their eyes are jewel-toned, claws metallic in hue, and blades usually the a slightly different shade of their fur-color.
Temperament~ Taking after their genetic donors, Kihins, Nihiks are fiesty and aggressive, strong-willed and highly intelligent. They're very skilled with technology and make top-notch pilots, mechanics, engineers, and the like; they're also good scientists in general, having had explicit training from the Jhee themselves. Though they love a good challenge and a good fight, Nihiks are well aware of their own mortality and rarely kill unnecessarily. But, as in all sentient species, personalities vary with sometimes frightening results.
Description~ Lanky bipeds, Nihiks are leanly-muscled and greatly prefer speed and agility over brute strength. (And cunning. They like that too. To beat body with mind is thought to be the greatest victory possible.) Just so this needn't be repeated throughout this descrip, Nihiks are long -- long muzzle, long neck, long legs, torso, tail, claws, fingers, fur -- everything. The Nihik head is raptorine, earless, with long fangs and otherwise wolfish teeth and a small, sharp, rhino-esque horn set between wide nostrils. Though their spine is held at a slight angle and they walk digitigrade with legs slightly bent, neutralizing some leg- and torso-length, Nihiks are still quite tall. Their arms are human in proportion and general anatomy, though their hands possess three fingers and a thumb twice as long as those of a humans, tipped in slender, razor-sharp, retractable claws. Their torsos are lean and narrow-chested with slim waists; if you were to shave a Nihik (Sun forbid! O,O), he'd look almost gaunt and quite bony. Nihik hind legs are more muscular than any other part of their body excepting their tail, able to propel them at great speeds. Their hindpaws were genetically simplified, now simply broad feline-ish paws with slightly elongated digits and ursine, unretractable claws. Their tails are insanely long, often ten+ feet, and as such can be used for balance should a Nihik want to run with spine horizontal. The tails differ with gender; a heavy, down-hanging, scythe-shaped blade of a foot in length is within six inches of the tailtip, anchored by a knot of muscle and cartilage. Males have a smaller version (five inches long) of this blade about four inches behind (towards the base of the tail) the first scytheblade; females have two such smaller blades. Nihiks are glossily- and short-furred for the most part, though around their neck, down their spine, on their lower stomachs down to the underside of the base of their tail, on the latter third of their tail, and at their limb-joints is long, silky fur. In Kihins, this fur hides assets, and the same goes for Nihiks; the long fur hides their tailblades from all but the most careful visual scrutiny. There is a row, running from the base of their long neck to halfway down their tail, of slender, sharp-tipped spines; these spikes protect the spinal cord from injury and also display emotion, able to bristle vertically or to flatten horizontally. The aforementioned long fur hides these as well. The last things to note of Nihiks are senses and abilities: eyesight and hearing are superb, with sense of smell a close second, almost tied with sensitive touch; Nihiks, like pointed out previously, are very fast, very agile, very flexible beasts. They're also able to shed their longer fur almost instantaneously when needed, to either get out of a sticky situation or to 'show off'.

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