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Date Posted: 03:57:24 05/25/02 Sat
Author: Spirit&Firefly
Subject: furry aurs lace to poll
In reply to: Midnight Satin 's message, "Lifted visage to watch the young one" on 03:05:02 05/25/02 Sat

Long spindly legs bound foward nipping the fem hide cheekily. The filly was young and didnt know how far she could push it. She leapt in front of the other dancing and frolicking for attention. Voice squeals with further, uncontrolable, excitement.

The weary mare nickered towards Midnight to be gentle as she was unexperienced and fragile. Orbs longed to watch out for her daughter but the birth had taken its toll. Onyx pistons carried golden bodice toward a shady tree, under which she sank and was overcome by her tiredness.
Dial lifted once more calling a friendly warning to Spirit's playmate, to watch out for her and never take her eyes off her in case of danger or a keen scense of exploration began to show.
Poll came to rest upon soft grass and films closed, to shut out the light. Fem drifted into sleep almost instananeously.

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