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Date Posted: 18:20:43 08/24/02 Sat
Author: The Ghost
Subject: ALL

Mascu o moonkiss'd illusion stands once more pon his platue looking over his harem.
Heavy film lids collide as brute hangs dished pallet uneasily.
Audits lie back effortlessly not paying attention for once, of the happenings around him.
Thoughts begin passing through his saddened mind.

Many had left of passed on, since he claimed his first and most loyal companion Satine.
Soon to would his offspring depart.
Spirit now three years should rightfully depart.
Brilliant Illusion soon to would be of the age to build his own clan.

Occuli open with greif.
Arched crest tosses gently as rain begins heavily to fall.
Large droplets of much weight suggesting a treacherous summer storm.
He searches the sky realizing the blackened clouds had been gathering for some time.

Iced bodice gathers and the siluetted bronc slides hurridly down the cliff.
Call of warning now echoes through the valley to all fems to take shelter of stay away from rising waters.

Sliding through the slippery sand, he trots nervously to Firefly's shoulder.
Inquiry is made to the where abouts of Spirit...

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