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Date Posted: 17:21:36 09/21/02 Sat
Subject: ‡ Frost Bite ‡

.iced bronc paces to three beat rhythms swiiftly through undergowing flora. hinds rise as mascu bucks for sheer pleasure. pace quickens as distance is decreased between he and the golden sand spread across the beach.
muscular frame launches effortlessly into foaming whites that only days before had swolen creating almost a fatal trap for himself and pachelbel canon. boa snakes around throwing crania at droplets flung heavenward by splashing talons. ivories melishiously snap at the liquid particles the strong salt a treat to crimson taste mechansism.
larynx pelts out cry to the cliffs surrounding and anywho could hear a trumpet of life and peace.

.i come through the night.
.during is my ghostly flight.
.forming my trance.
.and making my stance.

.am i for real?.

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