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Date Posted: 22:03:30 06/12/02 Wed
Author: (())THE GHOST(())
Subject: .Call.To.All.Loreli's.

Invisible bronc posed above his perfect clan, 'pon his favourite lookout cliff. From his very high position he could veiw the entire domain and every happening. His ghostly frame and iced hue were barely visable due to the now heavy falling snow. Onyx talon thrashed the deepening icey ground cover. His roar echoed out across the valley. A call of challenge and joy, for he was The Ghost,named for the harshest of weather, the coldest of climate, the blinding snow storms, and he was at home in this storm.

Another trumpet call rang out, this time to all of the doves who chose him as their defender, him for their leader, and put their trust in his soul. It was a call for them warning them of the harsh climate and weather- of freezing wind and blistering snow- If they and his offspring were to live through such a winter, they should enter the cave of warmth and deapth and safety, of which mighty stud had challenged for and won, and which his fems did not understand his actions for in past time. This cave behind the strongly cascading waterfall would offer them the protection which they deserve, and also saftey for their young foals. This is why he moved them away from Omniscient Range, where offered no protection from any weather.

Aurs flew foward to listen once again to the sounds of winter, his winter. Orbs fought the blinding blizzard seeking any vision of danger, intruder, or movement from his vixens.
Long stirdy pistons carried tremendous bodice down from the cliff, to where the herd ws crowding. If they stood for long periods of time under falling snow they would perish in an ice enclosure of melted snow from their own bodily heat, Snow built up while they sleep.
Elegant visage tossed as he grew near inviting them to follow into the cave. Bruj traveled slower for their foals sake.

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