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Date Posted: 21:08:08 09/02/02 Mon
Author: Directors
Subject: Guestbook Drawings Every Friday Night


September Sizzle Prelim
September 29, 2002
Fugate Center, Hazard, Ky
Events Beauty and Photogenic
Entry only $50
Awards to be given away are beautiful crowns, large custom made trophies, director gifts and fees paid to our Open State Pageant in December.

Octoberfest Prelim
October 13, 2002
Kermit Community Center, Kermit, Wv
Entry fee only $60
Events Beauty, Photogenic and Costume Wear
Awards to be given away are beautiful crowns, large custom made trophies, director gifts and fees paid to our Open State Pageant in December.

Christmas Angel Open State Toy Pageant
December 14, 2002
Hazard Community College, Hazard, Ky
Events Beauty, Photogenic and Sportswear
Entry fee only $135
Awards to be given away $1400 in saving bonds, beautiful custom made Glitz 'n Glamour banners, Name Brand Toys, Toys and more Toys.

Guestbook Drawings to be held every Friday night. So hurry over and sign the guestbook.

Printable entry forms can now be found on our website.

Email if you have any questions


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