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Date Posted: 11:09:33 06/10/07 Sun
Author: Royalty Productions
Subject: USA Liberty

Pre-registration dead-line extended to June 15 allowing us time to receive paperwork from those just finding out about the pageant

Don't Miss out on your $20.00 Pre-registration discount!!

Mr. & Miss U.S.A. Liberty Pageant

Supreme Beauty Pageant

June 23, 2007

Quality Inn

Florence, KY

Refer to the menu for Sponsor Ticket Information

Information will be posted soon.

Please sign our Guest Book for Special Discounts

Paypal is now available for Pageant Fees

Our Paypal e-mail is pageants@insightbb.com

No Experience Necessary

Boys Registration begins at 12:30 Pageant 1:00
Boys competition is upon request. We must have 7 or more boys pre-registered to have their competition

Girls Registration begins at 1:30 Pageant 2:00 (EST.)

Refer to Pageant Schedule for approximate times

Time will change if there are no boys

0-12 months old, 13-23 months old, 2-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old

Boys upon request, there must be 7 or more boys pre-registered to have there competition


10-12 years 13-15 years

18 years & up upon request

There must be at least 5 girls pre-registered for their competition

Everyone Receives A Trophy !!

Beauty Awards

Queens will receive a Beautiful USA Rhinestone Star Tiara

Kings will receive a Red Velvet Golden Crown

Kings & Queens will receive an USA Royalty Trophy & Sash

Boys enteries are upon request. We need at least 7 boys for competition

Boys and girls 18 & older must be pre-registered

1st - 4th place winners will receive a Royalty Trophy

Every Contestant is considered Royalty and will receive a trophy and be in the Royalty Picture

Supreme Categories

Supreme Pageant $100.00 **** Pre-register for $90.00

Beauty (King/Queen),Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest smile

Best Personality, Best Dressed, Most Photogenic (1 picture needed)

Pageant Attire: Sunday Best or Pageant Wear Dress or Gown, Tux

Off the Rack or Custom Made.

Beauty & Supreme will be judged in Pageant Wear or Sunday Best..

No casual Wear or Jeans will be allowed for this competition.

Special Categories

($15.00 each)

Over-All Most Handsome/Beautiful, Over-All Most Photogenic

Swim Wear, Talent

Mr. & Miss USA Liberty
( Patriotic Wear )

For more information Call: 859-689-0580 or 731-694-7355

Refer 3 Contestants to our Supreme Pageant, that are not family member or have not been in our pageants before, and receive your Supreme Pageant fees Free!

Everyone is a Winner!!

No one leaves empty handed

Everyone receives a USA Liberty Trophy!!

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