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Date Posted: 18:24:15 05/02/02 Thu
Author: Angela
Subject: Daisy Dolls 2002

Glitz & Glitter pageant Productions
Proudly Presents
“Daisy Dolls 2002”
Saturday May 25,2002
in Waynesburg,Ky
at the Pioneer Days Stage

Directors Amber Mullins
1477 Pine Hill R.d
Somerset Ky, 42503
Angela Mcclure
2520 Barnesburg R.d
Somerset Ky, 42503

Attire: Spring Wear
Pageant Begins at 1:00p.m
Registration is from11:30-12:45
Deadline is May 18,2002

You may sell tickets to win your fees paid!
Please call or Email us for the information.

Video tapes will be avaliable for purchasing.

Door entry will be $1.50 per child and $3.00 per adult
one adult may enter free with contestant

Someone will be available for hair and make-up
Please book appointments early.

Age catagories are : girls (0- 11months), ( 1yr), (2yr),(3-4yrs),(5-6yrs)
(7-8),(9-11),(12-14),(15-17),(18-up), (Misses or Mrs.)
Boys: (0-2),(3-5),(6-8),(9&up).

Optionals: Best attire, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Most photogenic,
Prettiest smile
Overalls will be Best attire, Prettiest hair, Prettiest eyes, Most Photogenic,
Prettiest smile, Audience choice, & Directors Choice.

Queen: there will be one Queen in every age division. The queen will recieve a
Beautiful arangement of flowers, a Sash, Trophy and a Crown

King: There will be one king in every age division. The king will recieve
a sash, crown and trophy.

Princess: There will be one princess in every age division. The princess will recieve
a Beautiful crown,sash and trophy.

Prince: There will be a prince in every age division. The Prince will recieve a
Trophy and sash.

There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd runners up in each age division. They will recieve a
sash and a trophy.

Grand King and Queen: These will be the two contestants with the highest scores of
the day.

Grand Prince and Princess: These will be the two contestants with the second highest
scores of the day.

Please remember this is for fun and a childs self esteem, We will not tolerate bad

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Entry Form
Please mail entry form and check or money order payable to :
Angela Mcclure
2520 Barnesburg R.d
Somerset Ky, 42503

A deposit of $25.00 must be recieved by April 22nd,2002.

Entry Form
Check if entering
$65.00 Beauty & optionals
Free Supremes
Free Overalls
$5.00 extra Photos

Total amount enclosed $___________ Balance due_____________

Emcee Sheet
Age division___________ Contestant#___________ Age_______
Name____________________ Gender______ D.O.B.____________
She/he Has__________hair and _________ eyes. She/he attends_______________school and
is in the__________ grade. She/he is the son or daughter of____________________________________
and resides at_______________________________________________
Phone number___________________
Her/his hobbies include__________________________________________
Thank You contestant #_____________ Name___________________
Refered By__________________________

Release: I hereby understand that Glitz & Glitter Pageants Pro. ,Amber Mullins,
Angela Mcclure, workers, judges, and the place the pageant is being held at can not be
held responsible for any accidents,illness,injury,or stolen/ loss of items that may occur , before,during,
or after the pageant.I also agree that I will be responsible for any money owed to the directors. Unsportsmanship will not be tolerated,the judges decisions are final,it may result in any titles won. No refunds will be given! Returned checks will be charged a $40.00 fee. by signing this form I relinquish all rights to file claim against Glitz & Glitter Pageant Productions,Amber Mullins,Angela Mcclure,
Pageant workers,and Somerset Karate Academy. We do not tolerate putting down any child
or parent. Any bad conduct can lead to disqualification. I also give Glitz & Glitter permission
to use any video,or photo for publicity.

Contestant Name_______________________________________________

Parent or Gaurdian_____________________________________________

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