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Date Posted: 01:10:01 03/10/03 Mon
Author: dave
Subject: seeking input from experienced ppl on possesion

I'm not sure where to start, strange things have been going on for quite some time now. Just recently my 8yr old daughter went to use the Microwave and when she pressed a button the LED screen read "CHILD" and it would not go away untill we unplugged it and reset the microwave.

Other occurances have also occured as a possible 'orb' has been spotted in the corner of my bedroom. But I know there are many occurances and explanations for such 'orbs' but when my dog comes into my room to lay on my bed, it has a constant fixture with the same corner of the room. The dog just sits there and soemtimes shivers while staring at the same corner.

I have had quite a problem with roommates in the past, none of them being very christain like. One of them was an athesiest, the other 2 practiced witchcraft and one was a prosititute. The roommate that practices witchcraft made a comment about someone she does not like about either her dying or something really bad happening to her, 1 hour later she recieved a phone call and backed over her son in the driveway and killed him.

Now come to find out my current roommate has had very odd things happen to her as well as far back as her early childhood. When she was young me and her were watching Friday the 13th with another friend and the screen went very staticky (it was a VHS movie) and the TV said "COME JOIN US" in a dark scrachty voice that very distinct and clear. We rewound the tape several times and could not repeat the incident.

Now she (current roommate) believes she has an entitity that follows her. She was present with my daughter when the microwave said "CHILD". Now she has been acting VERY strange, she is a very quiet and shy person of few words already... but now she will just stand up in the middle of the room for HOURS without moving. I woke up about 11:00am to use the restroom and she was standing in front of the TV with her hand on her head. I went about doing other things in my room, and walked back out around 3:00 and she was in the EXACT same place in the same pose. I said something in causual conversastion to her and she ceased to hear me. I repeated it a few times, and she didnt' respond untill i was right infront of her face trying to talk to her. Now she also seems to not be able to hear the phone. I came home from work and asked her if anyone has called and she calmly says "no" so I check for messages and 4 ppl have called and left a message for me.

When I first moved into the house, before any of this happened, I have always felt a strange aurura (sp?) in my living room that has made my hair stand up on the back of my neck, and has made me scared to stay at home alone.

Other things that could have more logical explanations but dont help the situation such as light bulbs in certain rooms will not last more than a few weeks, loud knocking noises at night, and the theromostat always returns to 68 degrees no matter how many times I change it.

I'm a christain and I do believe in God, so it's hard for me to jump to any conclusions' but these strange occurances are really starting to spook me. This is my first attempt to do any research on the subject so any insight or information would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.

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